You Deserve Some Relaxation #Giveaway


DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. Yes YOU, Mama! You deserve some relaxation, rejuvenation and self care time on a regular basis. However, trust me, I am the first person to say, “I get you!” when it comes to actually figuring out a way to carve out that time. Between the daily hustle bustle of meals, cleaning, boo-boo kissing, homework, refereeing and more, when on earth do us Moms find time for ourselves? I have learned from … Continue reading

Tips for Keeping Seasonal Allergies Under Control #orangenaturals

Seasonal Allergies

Disclosure: I am honoured to be a part of the Orange Naturals Mom Ambassador Program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog always are my own. In this post, I’m sharing my experiences with seasonal allergies and providing you with some suggestions to consider in order to reduce your allergy symptoms. I’m finding it a wee bit ironic that as I sit down to write this post about Spring, we are experiencing a snow and ice storm here in Ontario. However, I know that Spring is here for a … Continue reading

One Family’s Journey Through Autism


On April 2nd, communities everywhere bring attention to autism. It’s a powerful day for every autism family. In our household, this day signals a month-long opportunity to increase awareness. Through education about how autism affects our family, we hope, one day, we will have true acceptance of our community. A day when my daughter, Penny, won’t struggle initiating play with her peers. A day when I won’t get judgmental looks when I take my son, Max, out with a harness and leash because without it, he runs into danger.     If you’ve met one child with autism, you have … Continue reading

Hour Without Power ~ Earth Hour

Earth Hour

What will you be doing from 8:30-9:30pm Saturday night (March 24th, 2018)? Did you know that it is officially Earth Hour?   It’s time to celebrate our beautiful planet! This year, I’m excited to be adding a couple of tools to our home that will help us dim the lights for Earth Hour: an Amazon Echo Plus and a wireless controllable Philips Hue Light Bulb. I know what you might be thinking…why would you need a wireless controllable light bulb? What if you’re giving your little one a bath and you forgot to turn off the light in another room? … Continue reading

How to Get a Picky Eater to EAT! #orangenaturals

picky eater

Moms, I feel your pain! I get it, I truly understand what it’s like to have a picky eater in your household. I understand the ups and downs of that roller coaster ride, the meal time battles and feeling like a terrible parent when I break down. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say that gag reflexes can be strong in our home. It’s a REAL challenge for the child as well as the parent. I want to also take a moment to address the fact that sometimes a “picky eater” has reasons for being that way. Some … Continue reading

Protect Your Identity #FellowesProtects #Giveaway

There are a variety of ways that you can protect your identity. Today, I’m going to discuss one of them: using a paper shredder. Years ago, I purchased my first paper shredder and I learned the hard way that an inexpensive paper shredder would cause me frustration and waste my time. I share some of the story in this short video: What should you shred you ask? The short answer is that you should shred anything with your name or any other personal information including your address, social insurance number, bank or visa information etc. Here is some more useful … Continue reading

Healthy Breakfast Cookies

Healthy Breakfast Cookies

Are you rushed getting out the kids out the door in the morning? And, as a result, are you constantly on the lookout for a breakfast idea that you can make ahead that is healthy, tasty and filling? These healthy breakfast cookies are definitely worth a try. Because they only have a few ingredients, they are prepared in minutes and store nicely for a few days. You can also add a variety of optional ingredients in order to customize these healthy breakfast cookies for you and your family. Kids enjoy eating these Healthy Breakfast Cookies! Our family eats them for … Continue reading

Valentine’s Day Gift Idea: Give an Experience {Gift Card Giveaway}

Valentine's Day Gift Idea

Experiences make great gifts, especially when you are giving to someone who has everything. Sharing an experience with your loved one is a special gift that will create memories for you to share together for a life time. Need a Valentine’s Day Gift Idea? Give an experience to your loved one this Valentine’s Day! Need help deciding what experience to give? You will definitely get a Valentine’s Day Gift Idea or three over at! After spending some time on the LifeExperiences site, I am impressed with the multitude of gift ideas and experiences that they have to offer. Consider … Continue reading

Time to Improve Your Digestion!

improve your digestion

You’re definitely not the only one who feels it’s time to improve your digestion after the holidays! After some holiday stress and being out of routine, indulging in rich (and delicious) foods and caving to a few too many treats, my stomach is feeling out of sorts, to say the least. I am ashamed to admit that there were even a few days over the holidays when a single fruit or vegetable didn’t even enter my system! It’s time to get back into routine and focus on ways to improve your digestion. It’s amazing how much better you feel both … Continue reading

It’s Time to Organize Your Closet!

Do you struggle with what to wear every day? Is it time to organize your closet? Me too! The process of eliminating the items in my closet that were simply providing visual clutter and no joy to my life allows me to choose my daily outfits FASTER and to feel more organized. These hangers have been the main tool that helped me organize my closet. Why? You see, prior to my decision to organize my closet, my clothing hung on a variety of plastic hangers. Because they varied in thickness, shape and colour, it made my closet look disorganized right … Continue reading