Protect Your Identity #FellowesProtects #Giveaway

There are a variety of ways that you can protect your identity. Today, I’m going to discuss one of them: using a paper shredder.

Years ago, I purchased my first paper shredder and I learned the hard way that an inexpensive paper shredder would cause me frustration and waste my time. I share some of the story in this short video:

What should you shred you ask? The short answer is that you should shred anything with your name or any other personal information including your address, social insurance number, bank or visa information etc.

Here is some more useful information on protecting your identity, including WHY it’s so important:

Protect Your Identity

My parents use the phrase “you get what you pay for” often. I am learning that in many cases, this is the truth. Thank you, Mom and Dad for giving me that sound advice and modelling by example. What I have learned with paper shredders is to invest in a good quality one or don’t invest in one at all! Seriously. The frustration and amount of wasted time you will experience if you choose an inexpensive, cheap quality model is not something that I would wish on anyone.

The Fellowes® Powershred® 79Ci 16-Sheet Cross-Cut Shredder is definitely a top quality and money well spent, in my opinion. Because it has built-in safety features AND paper-jam free technology, this shredder is the perfect one for my home office. In full transparency, my kitchen is my office and my kitchen table is my desk, you get the picture.
Protect Your Identity

Can be purchased at Staples (AutoMax 79Ci – 16 sheet Cross Cut_ or a slightly different version on Amazon (Powershred 99Ms – 14 Sheet Micro Cut).
If you’re interested in learning more, engaging in some discussion on the topic of how to protect your identity and potentially win some amazing prizes, we would love for you to join us on Wednesday March 7th at 12pm EST for a #FellowesProtects Twitter Party!

Protect Your Identity

If you have never attended a Twitter Party OR are looking for a different way to manage the large number of tweets during a party, be sure to check out this post!

It’s Giveaway Time!

Prize: One Fellowes Paper Shredder 79Ci ~ approximate retail value of $365 CAD
Ends: March 23, 2018 11:59pm EST
Open To: Canada 18+ (void for QC residents and where prohibited)

This post has been generously sponsored by Fellowes Canada. All opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way. Full transparency: Affiliate links are used.

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121 Responses to Protect Your Identity #FellowesProtects #Giveaway

  1. Elaine says:

    The first thing I shred are bills. I shred anything with my name and address on it.

  2. Kimberley Burgess Piccioni says:

    Our bills.

  3. Monica Hall says:

    Anything with my info on it

  4. Jeannie says:

    The first thing I would shred would be bills that are paid off

  5. Josh says:

    I would shred my old bills and banking info.

  6. Marlo DeVouge says:

    I have a stack of work papers that need to be shredded, those would go first

  7. fossie55 says:

    I would shred my old tax returns that I no longer need to keep first.
    Florence C

  8. I would shred my husband’s old pay stubs first. I just gave him crap yesterday for putting them in the recycle box, and I picked them out. Was going to save them till I bought a shredder, then say this giveaway. Kismet, maybe?!

  9. I would shred my credit card statement.

  10. Suzanne souad says:

    Old paystubs

  11. elizamatt says:

    Old tax returns, old bank statements and then anything with my name and address on it. I’m afraid that I won’t be joining the twitter party as I suck badly at them. LOL

  12. ivy pluchinsky says:

    I would shred credit card stuff and old bank stuff

  13. erin2470 says:

    my old tax returns for sure

  14. doreen lamoureux says:

    I have so much…. old bills, credit cards old income tax…. I need to do a good cleaning.

  15. Wendy Hutton says:

    I would shred old utility bills, old tax returns

  16. lp says:

    a bunch of credit card receipts. thanks

  17. Rosanne Robinson says:

    If I’m the lucky winner, would start with shredding our old income tax submissions, old bank & visa statements, credit card receipts, utility bills,

  18. Jennifer P. says:

    I would shred our old tax documents first.

  19. Silvia Demmy says:

    i would shred all the old bills, statements , envelopes with names/addresses on them.

  20. Jenness M says:

    I would shred my old tax returns.

  21. Donna L. says:

    Credit card statements

  22. ShariD says:

    I would first shred my old household bills.

  23. Jonnie says:

    I would shred all of our bills and bank statements first.

  24. Deb Philippon says:

    Every year, I make a point of shredding household bills and credit card statement.

  25. Tricia Cooper says:

    I would shred old bank statements and credit card statements! Sorry, I can’t make your Twitter Party – I’ll be at work. 🙁

  26. Judy Cowan says:

    I would shred some old tax returns.

  27. SeanM says:

    Old bill statements

  28. kathy downey says:

    I would shred old bill statements

  29. julie_bolduc says:

    I would shred our visa bill

  30. lisa bolduc says:

    I would actually give this to my nephew. He is turning 17 and has downs. He finds therapy in shredding paper. He loves to do it

  31. Leela says:

    All the junk mail I get.

  32. Stephanie says:

    I would shred old bills with my name and address on them

  33. Lee-Ann Sleegers says:

    We are pretty caught up on our shredding except maybe old tax returns.

  34. Sarah Alexis says:

    I would shred my bills!!!!

  35. Carole Dube says:

    I would shred my old taxes document first.

  36. dewinner says:

    I would shred our old business papers

  37. Amy Heffernan says:

    I would shed our old old taxes first!

  38. Betty Spry says:

    I would shred, my oldest documents first, we still have papers from when we were first married, then we would go thru the boxes of paperwork we inherited from our parents.

  39. Carol Denny says:

    Iwould shred old bills and old tax papers.

  40. serenitysmiles says:

    Anything with indentifying info on it such as income tax and banking

  41. Clair P says:

    anything with our name and address, we have a box that needs to be shred, old bills

  42. kristen visser says:

    Hubby would jump on shredding paid bills!!

  43. binabug says:

    My shredder bit the dust quite a few years ago so I actually take all my banking and personal papers to work and use the huge shredder that they have..I tend to save up a stack

  44. Gord says:

    I keep a box near my computer desk. It gets filled with anything that needs to be destroyed. So the first thing I would shred is my mail that has personal information on it.

  45. ruth m-l says:

    The first things I would shred is past student’s mark sheets, old pay stubs, etc.

  46. Michelle Matta says:

    the small little pharmacy tags would get shredded first. i hate those!

  47. Jan says:

    I guess the one that is on top of the pile sitting there 🙂

  48. angela says:

    All my banking papers

  49. Jenny Major says:

    I would shred old bills

  50. Krista Miller says:

    I would shred my utilities statements & old bills for renters insurance & bank statements.

  51. Andy D says:

    I would shred all my old banking statements!

  52. Tainan Lu says:

    I would shred receipts

  53. Kristi says:

    I would shred my banking statements and insurance paperwork.

  54. Chel Sea says:

    I would shred all of my school documents, now that I have finally graduated!

  55. Robyn B. says:

    I would shred all my bank statements.

  56. Jaimee says:

    I would shred all my bank statements

  57. Angela September says:

    I have old tax documents of over 10 years that I would love to shred!

  58. Juliee Fitze says:

    CREDit card statements.

  59. Nicole Jubleew says:

    I would shred my old tax documents first.

  60. Lushka Smith says:

    I would shred some old utility bills.

  61. Amie says:

    All my bills , any paper work with our personal info !

  62. Heidi P says:

    Shredding all old bills & tax info and anything with personal info on it that is not needed anymore

  63. Mel says:

    I would shred old receipts.

  64. teeslee says:

    I would shred old bills

  65. Kristen S says:

    I would shred all of our important information…(Bills, bank statements, old tax info)

  66. Lucy says:

    I would shred old credit card bills!

  67. M... says:

    I would shred old bills

  68. Monique Shuell says:

    I have so many old bills and personal documents being stored in bags around the house. This need to get shredded and get out. lol

  69. daydreamsun3 says:

    old credit card bills

  70. Sweet Panda says:

    I would shred my old credit card statements and old pay stubs

  71. RBuschyX says:

    I would Shred Everything that has my name and address on it. I am tearing them up by hand now, but that never really works as well as a Cross-Cut Shredder.

  72. G. Leong says:

    old pay stubs

  73. Andrea says:

    I would shred my old credit card bills!

  74. Em Vee says:

    my bills and claims

  75. Tara B says:

    Old bills, and credit card statements.

  76. Tammy Dalley says:

    I would shred anything that has to do with my banking or credit cards

  77. ToCo says:

    Anything letters with identification on it as well as envelopes.

  78. Katharine W says:

    Basically the pile that has been siting in the corner separated from the actual recycling in my room. Mostly bank statements and credit card ones too. Don’t even get these in the mail anymore as I have gone paperless so let’s just say I am long overdue to shred and declutter.

  79. misslynn1977 says:

    Credit card applications that I didn’t ask for!

  80. Christine DaSilva says:

    A whole bunch of piled up paperwork!

  81. sibley_h says:

    I would shred all the unwanted mail that comes to my house with my name and address on it

  82. Joanna Koskamp says:

    I would any personal documents and papers such as cred card bills and other old bills.

  83. Gail Butler says:

    I would shred all outdated credit card receipts.

  84. Donna Trowbridge says:

    I would shred all my 2016 bills . lol

  85. Linda Klages says:

    applications for credit cards

  86. Monica Hall says:

    I would shred bank statements or bills

  87. Sabrina Tong says:

    I would shred all of our bills.

  88. soneatronit says:

    Bank statements!

  89. Leeanne C says:

    I would shred my revenue canada papers that are no longer needed and any personal documention i have. Sure could do a lot of clean up with a trusty shredder.

  90. Jason E Woods says:

    I would shred bills and credit card statements!

  91. Beth DiMauro says:

    I would shred government documents and utility bills

  92. Susanne McCarthy says:

    Old tax returns, credit card & other bills!

  93. Becky Best says:

    I would shred banking and credit card info first! 🙂

  94. youallrlivinunderarock says:

    I would start with shredding my old bills.

  95. sue says:

    First thing I would shred is bills and credit card statements that have built up over time sitting in a box collecting dust

  96. nickyj says:

    I would shred any revenue canada papers and a few others I have hanging around first. My family would use this regularly.

  97. janicour says:

    I would shred all my Canada tax documents from years ago.

  98. Shari Goss says:

    I have access to people’s private data, that I would be shredding.

  99. Matthew Tully says:

    Definitely OLD tax records no longer needed.

  100. Maria Katie says:

    I would shred our old bills and tax rexords

  101. pinksuzanne says:

    I would be shredding my mom’s income tax and other personal papers as I have stored them for a couple of years.

  102. Sarah p says:

    I would shred old bills and documents that aren’t needed. Thanks!

  103. Bernard N Cindy Finnegan says:

    I’d shred old bills and bank statements.

  104. srellok says:

    First things I would shred are bank and credit card statements

  105. Sylvia Lee says:

    I would shred my bank statements.

  106. Leanne Scherp says:

    Credit card info

  107. Jennpup says:

    I would first shred all evidence and anything that might incriminate me. 😉

  108. Nic says:

    old credit card bills!

  109. Rebecca Roberts says:

    I’d shred my work documents!

  110. Linda says:

    All my Revenue Canada documents

  111. Heather Howard says:

    Receipts and Anything with my name on it…i have 3 recycling bags full so I’d start with those!

  112. Maritess says:

    I would be shredding old bills and statements.

  113. Tara Gauthier says:

    I would shred old tax documents

  114. Soozle says:

    I would shred old credit card statements

  115. Pam Wood Humphrey says:

    I would start with old pay stubs.

  116. Miles Harrison says:

    First things I’d shred is all my mail. I’d save so much time ripping off my name and other info I usually do by hand.

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