Homemade Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits {RECIPE}

Have you ever eaten at Red Lobster? We don’t go there too often because I don’t eat fish or seafood, but when we do, I load up on their incredibly tasting biscuits! They are so good, I would go there just for the biscuits. I’ve seen many recipes around the web called Red Lobster Biscuits, but the majority of them have boxed Biscuit Mix in them. Call me a biscuit snob, but I prefer to make mine completely from scratch. It really isn’t that much more difficult and that way I know exactly what ingredients are in the biscuits. Here … Continue reading

A Magical Nighttime Routine

DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by Magic Bag. All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. If you have difficulty falling asleep, experience pain or discomfort or even have trouble with anxiety, I highly recommend you check out Magic Bag. Let’s talk about bedtime routines for a minute. Almost everyone has some sort of a bedtime routine. Am I right? My bedtime routine includes: washing my face with a cloth and water brushing and flossing my teeth heating up what my family calls a homemade beanbag … Continue reading

Goulash for a Cold Winter’s Day

Goulash and Dumplings

Goulash is similar to stew in ingredients. Once made, it simmers on the stove until you’re ready to add the delicious dumplings and serve. This is the perfect recipe for a cold winter’s day. Here is how our family discovered Goulash and Dumplings… One day this holiday, my hubby woke up and said to me, “One of us needs to go grocery shopping this morning.” “Oh? Why’s that?” “I’m making goulash today.” “Oh?” “Yup.” “But… you haven’t made goulash before.” “Nope.” “OK.” I’ve said this before, but my husband is a good cook. He has fabulous instincts in the kitchen, … Continue reading

Paint Your Outdoors with 16 Million Colours in Outdoor Lights


DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by the Philips Hue. All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. If you have an outdoor space that could use some outdoor lights to jazz it up, I highly recommend you consider the Philips Hue system. Parties, low-key nights and day to day outdoor ambiance. The Philip Hue Lily Outdoor Spot Light does it all; creating an ambient vibe for your home. If you’re anything like me, you enjoy CHOICE and OPTIONS. Is that you? I am often non-committal to … Continue reading

Run for the Hills FAST Once Your Home is Prepped for an Open House and You Have Kids!

DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by the Real Estate Council of Ontario. All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. If you are moving in the near future, having an Open House is inevitable. Planning for an Open House can be stressful. Planning for an Open House with children involved is even more challenging. Run for the HILLS and FAST … once your home is all ready and organized for an Open House. This is our number one tip! Why? Because we all know how quickly … Continue reading

A Rockstar Fundraiser for Mental Health


My friend Judy Brunton in my world is a hero. She is a hero for Mental Health Awareness. This woman is known around her community as someone who is extremely passionate about raising awareness and funds for mental health. If you are local to the Greater Toronto Area and you would like to support one of her biggest fundraising efforts, you can attend her Annual Fundraiser for Mental Health this Saturday, November 3 from 10am – 4pm. If you want to be inspired by someone who truly cares about people, her family and her community, get to know Judy a … Continue reading

Looking to Move? Consider These Tips Before You Get Started


DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by the Real Estate Council of Ontario. All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. If you are considering a move in the near future, get organized ahead of time with the following tips.   Is a move on your horizon? If you’re a planner like me, you will want to get all of your ducks in a row at the beginning to avoid unnecessary stress. They say that the experience of a move is up there in stress levels with … Continue reading

Should I Use a Dehumidifier in My Home?


DISCLAIMER ~ This post is sponsored by LG Electronics Canada Inc. All opinions are my own. I only share content that excites me and I feel would be beneficial to Canadian Moms. If you have a basement and/or if you have allergies, you will want to learn why you should consider using a dehumidifier in your home. I remember when I lived at home with my parents, their basement smelled rather musty and everything that was in it did too. There were some important keepsakes and items that we actually had to dispose of because of their smell. I didn’t … Continue reading

Should We Homeschool Our Children?


Last year my husband decided to move. One that would take us out of the school district we currently lived in. For me, it was the school board that I had taught within. It was an education system that I knew VERY well, and, when you have children with special needs, that’s a HUGE asset for a parent. Little did I know that our move was going to be the final push that I needed to make the decision to homeschool our children. I went to work connecting with other parents (of both autistic and neurotypical children) over Facebook to … Continue reading