How to Clean Up a Liquid Spill on a Laptop

Disclaimer: The following is provided for information purposes only. Use at your own risk. There are NO guarantees that this will work, nor can we make promises that rice won’t get stuck in any of your computer’s parts. Multi-Testing Mommy does not assume any responsibility or hold any liability of any outcomes of trying any of following tips. If in doubt, please consult a professional. Do not spill liquid on your laptop. If you are particularly clumsy, do not bring liquids within five feet of your laptop. (If you are in the late third trimester and your center of gravity … Continue reading

Bloggers, Use This Planner!

One of my favourite emails to look forward to in the morning is from Confessions of a Homeschooler! Today, she shared something on her blog that I believe many bloggers might find useful. It’s a 2013 Printable Blog Planner! She has included sections for monthly stats, blog ideas, reviews/giveaways, advertisers and sponsors and more! Download here for FREE! Check out our Canadian Online Shopping Directory and Multi-Testing Mommy’s Current Giveaways

How to Back Up Your Blog Content and Template on Blogger

I am using Blogger in Draft therefore the following instructions are to be used in Blogger in Draft format. How to Back Up Your Blog Template: Note: Your Blog Template is the look and layout of your blog. On the left hand sidebar, click on template. Click image to enlarge. In the top right of screen – click on the “backup/restore” button, then click on “Download full template”. Click image to enlarge. Click image to enlarge. Save it in a file somewhere on your computer where you can add the date to the beginning of the file.Note: My file name … Continue reading

How to Find Stats for Individual Posts Using Google Analytics

Sometimes after you have written and shared a post with your readers for a specific company OR after a giveaway has ended, the company will ask you for specific stats for that post. There are many different tools that a blogger can use to track their stats, but one of the most common, trusted and accurate sources is Google Analytics. If you do not have this set up on your blog, be sure to go do that now! Step by Step Guide How to find stats for individual posts using Google Analytics How to Find Stats for Views on Individual … Continue reading

How to Find Stats for Pageviews Using Google Analytics

Often when first making contact with a company, the topic of blog statistics will be discussed. There are many different tools that a blogger can use to track their stats, but one of the most common, trusted and accurate sources is Google Analytics. If you do not have this set up on your blog, be sure to go do that now! I remember when I first started blogging, I relied (happily) on my “in-house” blogger stats. I quickly learned that these stats were FAR from accurate which naturally upset me because they were much higher than my true stats. Two … Continue reading

How to Make Threaded Comments in Blogger

Do you own a Blogger Blog? I do and while I absolutely LOVE it, I sometimes do feel somewhat restricted design wise. One of the areas in my blog that required improvement was my comment system. I have some people who don’t have a gmail account or a blogger account but would like to leave their name in comments. The problem is, as soon as I enable anonomous users, the *spam* comments come out in the hundreds. So, I am stuck with leaving that part as is for now. The other part that really bothered me is if someone doesn’t … Continue reading

@Jooners Online Sign Up Service {Premium Membership GIVEAWAY}

I was recently provided the opportunity to review Jooners, an online signup sheet designed to streamline social event planning (for personal or business events). This service can be used to create sign up sheets for a variety of events including pot luck parties, volunteers for events, gift exchanges, bloggers for campaigns and more! You can share the sign up sheet with specific individuals via email or on social networks like Twitter or Facebook. I found this service very user friendly. The layout is simple and self explanatory and it is fast to set up. The one place where I felt … Continue reading

Keep Your Fingers Warmer with Touch Screen Friendly @GliderGloves {REV!EW and G!VEAWAY}

Have you heard of Glider Gloves?Glider Gloves are one of the first Canadian suppliers of conductive gloves for retail and wholesale distribution. The gloves are made from Nylon, Acrylic, Spandex, and Copper based conductive yarns. These yarns are woven throughout the gloves in order to make the entire glove conductive, not just the finger tips. This is something that I love! No longer do I need to have quite as much precision when going on my phone in the cold! The primary reason why I wanted to have a pair of “texting gloves” was for when I am waiting at … Continue reading

Congratulations @Kobo for Receiving the @PTPA Award!

Whenever I see the PTPA Award (Parent Tested, Parent Approved), I automatically trust whatever the product is that it is a good quality, well tested item! This is why I was so excited to hear the news that the Kobo Mini and Kobo Glo both received the PTPA Award! My daughter is a bookaholic. She reads so much and loves it that books were the only thing on her Christmas Wish List at one point! Books are over taking her bedroom and my husband and I have discussed having her use a Kobo numerous times, but I wasn’t convinced. Now … Continue reading

Have you heard of the @Motorola_ca Defy™ Pro Smartphone

This phone has been labelled as rugged – something that a phone owned by a Mom needs to be, yet it looks sleek and sexy as far as this Mom is concerned! It is water, dust, and scratch resistant and has a high capacity battery so even the fully social media addicted Mom can carry on with her high tech day without worrying about losing her charge. I learned something new when researching this phone. It has a QWERTY keyboard. I knew that meant it had the keyboard that is laid out like a traditional keyboard, but I wondered why … Continue reading