How to Back Up Your Blog Content and Template on Blogger

I am using Blogger in Draft therefore the following instructions are to be used in Blogger in Draft format.

How to Back Up Blogger Blog

How to Back Up Your Blog Template:

Note: Your Blog Template is the look and layout of your blog.

  1. On the left hand sidebar, click on template.
  2. Backing up Template on Blogger

    Click image to enlarge.

  3. In the top right of screen – click on the “backup/restore” button, then click on “Download full template”.
  4. Backing up Template on Blogger

    Click image to enlarge.

    Backing up Template on Blogger

    Click image to enlarge.

  5. Save it in a file somewhere on your computer where you can add the date to the beginning of the file.
    Note: My file name today looks like this: 2013-5-2-template-637208773798568693.xml (I added the first part with the date so that I always know what is the most up to date back up.
Backing up Template on Blogger

Click image to enlarge.

Now, the layout of your blog is saved and backed up. You can upload this saved back up to a “test blog” that isn’t published, but allows you to test out your layout or see what a published post will look like.

How to Back Up Your Blog Content:

Your blog content is all of your posts, images and comments! The important stuff!

  1. Go to Settings on left hand sidebar.
  2. Backing up Blog Content on Blogger

    Click image to enlarge.

  3. Click on Other
  4. Under “blog tools” (at the top), click on “Export Blog”.
  5. Backing up Blog Content on Blogger

    Click image to enlarge.

  6. Click on “Download Blog”.
Backing up Blog Content on Blogger

Click image to enlarge.

Note: The name of the file is automatically the date so you know which file is your latest download. (Today, my file name looked like this: blog-05-02-2013.xml)

Backing up Blog Content on Blogger

Click image to enlarge.

You should get into the habit of backing up your template and your content every week. A couple of years ago, blogger went down for a day or two and had us all in a panic. Many people had not backed up their content and for a period of time, believed that they had lost everything! Imagine how devastating that would be! Don’t let this happen to you.

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15 Responses to How to Back Up Your Blog Content and Template on Blogger

  1. Kelly says:

    I am not a Blogger user but this looks like a really thorough and useful ‘How To’.

  2. I used to be on Blogger and would have loved that tip – so helpful!

    Great tip!

  3. Thanks for sharing! I was on BLOGGER AND wish I knew that

  4. Ashley says:

    This would have been a great tip for when I was back using Blogger! Thanks for sharing, I’m sure there are tons who’ll appreciate it!

  5. Sny Med says:

    Awesome! Thanks so much for this! It doesn’t help that they don’t make it obvious!


  6. Great tutorial. I will have to send this to my friends who are on blogger.

  7. Bonnie Way says:

    Thanks so much! I’m going to do this right away. 🙂

  8. Wonderful job! This would of been so helpful when I was on blogger.

  9. CynthiaC says:

    Great tips! I’m no longer on Blogger, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had the Great White Screen of Death when I tried to change my template (from a third party, anyway)!

  10. I can’t believe I haven’t done this before! It couldn’t have been easier. Thank you!

  11. Tasha says:

    I am currently using Blogger, hopefully switching over to WP soon! As I just learned recently that being on Blogger, Google owns your content and images you post on your blog 🙁 I don’t like that at all. I didn’t realize how crucial it was to back up my template regularly until reading your post. I guess your right we could loose everything if something were to happen. Knock on wood! I will be backing up daily, if not every second day now. Thank you for the wonderful post!

  12. Christy says:

    Great post and so very helpful. I love how simply you laid out the step-by-step process. I haven’t backed anything up so this was a good kick-in-the-pants to get me going – thanks!

  13. So good of you to share this info in detail! If any of your readers are using WordPress, I was at a recent WordPress conference and many of the WP experts recommended a plugin by the name of “BackupBuddy.” It will automatically back up your blog so you don’t need to remember to do it! 🙂

  14. Sny Med says:

    I wanted to thank you again, as I just backed up my content for the first time ever. I had previously downloaded my template, which is not as important to me as my content.


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