2016 Brings a New Me!

Amanda Gobatto

In 2015, I turned 40. I guess this means I need to change the “I am a 30-something year old Mom….” in my About Me section, don’t I? To me, age is just a number. I didn’t realize it at the beginning of the year, but somewhere in the spring of 2015, I learned that 2015 was going to be about change. A NEW ME. Motherhood had fully defined me for 10 years and I decided that I needed to make it a part of me instead of ALL of me. Last year, I: took my new job to a … Continue reading

Join Me and Participate in the #7Cards7Days Challenge! #HallmarkPressPause {Giveaway}

Hallmark Cards

Step 1: Write a thoughtful card to a friend. Step 3: Enjoy a happy heart when you read this email… “I picked up my mail today and received your note. Amanda, you left me speechless and so happy. Thank you. You have no idea what your note meant to me. Your friendship means the world to me.”, kindness was given back to me 1000 times over knowing that the letter that I put in the mail touched a friend! Here is YOUR 7 Day Card Challenge should you take it… Think of 7 people who have made a positive impact … Continue reading

Join Me in the Clean Water Campaign! #CleanWater #PGMom


How many times in a day does CLEAN WATER touch your family’s life? Did you know that approximately one billion people in the developing world* do not have the same luxury, and diseases from contaminated water are killing more children every day than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined*. *Source: World Health Organization Walmart and P&G have put together a Clean Water Campaign to help provide clean drinking water to children in the developing world through a water purifying technology developed by P&G. One small purification packet quickly turns 10 litres of dirty, potentially deadly water into clean, drinkable water! For every … Continue reading

Moving Forward, Saving Money #SavingMadeSimple #PGMom

  Moving forward, I will be more conscious of how I can be saving money each month. Last month, I participated in a financial challenge that taught me quite a saving money tips.   After reading through Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s book, Money Rules and making a few changes in the way I view money, I am happy to say that this past month has been a real eye-opener for me when it comes to our finances. The kids were even involved in learning some money lessons by introducing them to the app call Learning Money with Leo.   The biggest challenge … Continue reading

Financial Challenge Wrap Up #SavingMadeSimple #PGMom

After participating in a month long financial challenge and reading through Gail Vaz-Oxlade’s book, Money Rules, I have made a few changes in the way I view money. I am happy to say that this past month has been a real eye-opener for me when it comes to our finances. I even got the kids involved in learning some money lessons by introducing them to the app call Learning Money with Leo. The biggest challenge for me was spending just cash! I am used to using a credit card for all spending because it is easier to use than cash … Continue reading

Do You Ever Feel an Instant Connection with Someone?

No, this post is not about romance, it’s about friendship. Do you ever have the experience where you hardly know someone, but the more you talk to them, the more you can’t get over the similarities you have? I’ve recently had this experience with Lilac from Pawsitive Living. Recently, I introduced Lilac to some amazing natural and organic skin care products from Penny Lane Organics and we got chatting over email. I told her about the crazy day I had and she responded that I should sit down and relax with a delicious cup of Spearmint Tea, that is her … Continue reading

Twitter Party Tuesday #WeLoveMommy – Part 1

For Mother’s Day, I was spoiled with gifts, but I have to say that my absolute favourite gifts were the ones that were made with love! Last week, I co-hosted two Twitter Parties/Chats and helped out with a third, so I was a busy little tweep and as a result, my family knew about it. Usually Twitter events are held after my children are in bed, but last week, one of them was right at bedtime, another was after bed and the third was a “live tweeting event” so I had to leave the house at dinner time. The day … Continue reading

Moving and Easy Meals Day 2 – Broccoli and Cheese Soup in the Crockpot

Alison, our reviewer of all things baby is about to make a huge change in her life! Yesterday, Alison shared how she made Salsa Chicken in her Crockpot. This was a super easy, 3 ingredient meal that turned out really well! Please see today’s recipe choice while Alison continues her week leading up to her big move. She is taking a “Meals Made Easy” with just a Crockpot challenge in the week before she moves in order to allow her to pack up the rest of her kitchen! Broccoli & Cheese Soup Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for … Continue reading

Meals Made Easy Leading Up to a Move!

Alison, our reviewer of all things baby is about to make a huge change in her life! She’s moving!Moving is a very stressful time in anyone’s life, let alone with a small baby. In order to make at least one part of her day easy, she has decided to only make meals using her crockpot for the next 7 days leading up to her big moving day. This makes so much sense, doesn’t it? That way, she can pack away most of her kitchen ahead of time and not have to resort to take out every night. She’s one smart … Continue reading