What is Your Oral Care Routine? {Giveaway} #pgmom

Oral-B Glide Pro-Health

I’ve always had a pretty good Oral Care Routine. I brush in the morning, after breakfast (and coffee), I often will rinse with mouthwash after lunch and I brush, floss and rinse with mouthwash before bed. I haven’t always been as good about flossing, but ever since having babies, flossing has become a part of my DAILY routine and I cannot go to bed without completing my full routine. Call it me making a healthy choice, or perhaps it is a bit of OCD, but my mouth just doesn’t feel right unless I brush, floss and rinse with mouthwash. I … Continue reading

A MommiesFirst Giveaway for Month of Mom Celebration #MommiesFirst

MommiesFirst Month of Mom Week 1

Welcome to our Month of MOM! Let’s celebrate Moms with a MommiesFirst Giveaway! MommiesFirst is a subscription box company that sends personalized, specially curated packages to new and expectant Moms across Canada and the United States. These boxes make an amazing Baby Shower Gift, a gift for a new Mom or a wonderful “just because” gift for yourself or a friend. The amount of love and thought that goes into MommiesFirst is incredible. I know this first hand because I work directly with Lorena, the founder and CEO of MommiesFirst on a daily basis helping her behind the scenes. Together … Continue reading

Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than you Realize – @Nioxinproducts {#GIVEAWAY} #pgMom

healthy scalp with nioxin products

Well over a year ago, my sister got married. It was a happy and wonderful time, but I think my body was experiencing more stress than I realized, because a terrible thing happened. I lost a chunk of my hair. One day, I was running my fingers through my hair (I feel like I need to cue some type of cheesy commercial music here) when all of a sudden my fingers hit a smooth, slippery patch of SCALP! I was completely bald in one spot and it wasn’t a small spot either (or to me it wasn’t), it was over … Continue reading

DK Canada Baby Books Giveaway

DK baby books

I’m a HUGE fan of DK Canada Books! I have a feature over at MommiesFirst.com called Amanda’s Picks where I share some of my favourite baby books. One of my blogging friends over at Naturally Cracked is hosting a DK Canada Baby Book Giveaway. Be sure to check out her blog for her 7 Days of Reading series where she shares tips for reading with your toddler. Be sure to enter the DK Canada Baby Books Giveaway: ends May 19th, 2914 a Rafflecopter giveaway Oh and be sure to check out DK Canada for some great Mother’s Day Gift Ideas!

Nasal Congestion Relief with #hydraSense {GIVEAWAY}

I have always been one who cannot stand to have a stuffy nose, in fact when I am stuffed up I cannot sleep and that drives me absolutely crazy. There are many nose sprays on the market, but your body can get used to them and you can become permanently stuffed up which would be terrible. Right now, we are about to enter allergy season which means that I need some nose congestion relief on a daily basis! hydraSense helps me breathe!   Not only is hydraSense easy to use, but it is effective in reducing nasal congestion. It is … Continue reading

Stars on Ice and @JergensCanada {Giveaway} #JergensStarsOnIce

Jergens Canada Gift Basket

I get so excited when I can provide my daughter with super fun Mother daughter opportunities! On Friday May 2, 2014, I will be taking my daughter to see Investors Group Stars on Ice presented by Lindt and I cannot wait! Straight from the rinks in Sochi, Russia will be Canada’s 2014 medalists Patrick Chan, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, alongside Kurt Browning and Joannie Rochette in an evening of championship skating. On the heels of Canada winning the Team silver medal for figure skating in Sochi, Russia, Jergens® Skincare and the world’s premier figure skating production Investors Group Stars … Continue reading

Active Baby Giveaways 5 Year Anniversary Event at @ActiveBaby {HUGE Giveaway!}

active baby giveaway

If you live in North Vancouver and you have a baby, consider yourself super lucky! Active Baby has relocated and renovated and is now celebrating their Grand Re-Opening and 5 Year Anniversary all in one. And if you don’t live in Vancouver, you’re in luck because Active Baby has an online baby store that is laid out beautifully and extremely user friendly. I know when I was a new Mom, I found it very overwhelming to know what products were best for me and my baby and I learned a lot from visiting stores like Active Baby to get an … Continue reading

5 Days of Canadian Teachers Pay Teachers Stores {Giveaway}

Teachers Pay Teachers

My friend Lisa Marie from The Canadian Homeschooler is hosting a wonderful opportunity for ANYONE who enjoys providing their children with fun and educational activities at home during her 5 Days of Canadian Teachers Pay Teachers Event. Each day this week, Lisa Marie will be featuring a new teacher and product (think printables, activities, templates) from the Teachers Pay Teachers site, one of my favourite sites ever! The Teachers Pay Teachers Store is an open marketplace where teachers can share, sell and purchase affordable, original teacher resources. It is also a place where parents can go to find activities for … Continue reading

Let’s Party Together at the Ultimate Blog Party 2014 #UBP14

Welcome to Multi-Testing Mommy

I have joined this exciting ultimate blog party many times over the past few years and I have always enjoyed getting to know other bloggers and finding new blogs to add to my list of blogs to follow. The girls over at 5MinutesforMom.com are so awesome to put this event together every year and I truly appreciate their generous time and efforts to make this happen. My name is Amanda. I live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and am a proud Canadian. I have two children; a 5 year old son and a newly turned 9 year old daughter. … Continue reading

Celebrating Hockey Moms #PGMom #Giveaway

Hockey Moms

I am not a hockey Mom….yet, but there is a chance that one day I will become one. I have been a dance Mom which took dedication, but I have no clue how being a hockey mom compares! Sports teach children life skills like cooperation, team work and communication! On March 17th, P&G launched The House that Mom Built website where Canadians can celebrate minor league Hockey Moms! Hockey Moms play the role of the carpool queen, tournament manager, equipment manager, the official cheerleader, after-game snack maker and uniform washer, to name just a few. All of the roles that … Continue reading