Celebrating Hockey Moms #PGMom #Giveaway

Hockey Mom

I am not a hockey Mom….yet, but there is a chance that one day I will become one. I have been a dance Mom which took dedication, but I have no clue how being a hockey mom compares!

Sports teach children life skills like cooperation, team work and communication!

On March 17th, P&G launched The House that Mom Built website where Canadians can celebrate minor league Hockey Moms!

Hockey Moms play the role of the carpool queen, tournament manager, equipment manager, the official cheerleader, after-game snack maker and uniform washer, to name just a few. All of the roles that Hockey Moms play are important and they deserve to be shown by having their name virtually raised to the rafters.

Tide, Downy, Febreze, Bounty and Puffs
are here to help hockey Moms do their job!

To help out all athlete moms, P&G created the ultimate tip sheet to take you from the change room to the laundry room at home and help make caring for your athlete a little easier:

  1. Skates are expensive.
    To save blades from rusting wipe them down after each and every skate but be careful, they’re sharp. Try using Bounty Duratowels which are tough enough to wipe them off. For efficiency, keep a roll in hockey bags.
  2. The lingering smell of hockey equipment in the car is only made worse when the heat is turned on high in the winter. To get rid of car odour, try Febreze Car Vent Clip Air Freshener for 30 days of fresh scent.
  3. Runny nose after being in the cold arena? Coffee spill in the car? You’ll never have to search for a tissue with Puffs Car Cup – tissues specifically designed to fit in the cup holder of your vehicle.
  4. Jerseys and socks soak up the sweat, snacks, beverages, and worst of all, the odour that comes with being an athlete. To keep their uniform looking bright and smelling fresh, throw them in the washing machine with detergent, specially designed for sportswear. Don’t forget to sprinkle in a little love and lasting scent with Downy Unstopables for freshness that releases as kids move!
  5. Wet equipment left in a hockey bag after a game or practice is a breeding ground for odour-causing bacteria. To prevent odour, air out all equipment after every practice and game on a drying rack. After taking the equipment out of the bag, try spraying all equipment (even soles inside the skates) with Febreze Fabric Refresher Extra Strength for long lasting freshness. For a safety net, keep the to-go version in your purse for a burst of freshness anytime.

With help from P&G, I would like to offer you the opportunity to win a Hockey Mom Prize Pack including:

  • Tide plus Febreze Freshness Sport HE 2.04L Active Fresh Scent – $12.97*
  • Febreze Fabric Refresher Extra Strength Original Scent 85 mL To Go – $2.49*
  • Febreze Fabric Refresher Extra Strength Original Scent 500 mL – $6.39*
  • Febreze Car Vent Clip Air Freshener Linen & Sky 2mL – $3.97*
  • Bounty DuraTowels White Paper Towels 2 King Rolls 49 Sheets – $3.47*
  • Downy Unstopables 375g – $7.97**
  • Puffs Car Cup 32 ply Tissue
  • *Pricing at the discretion of the retailer.
    ** Scent & packaging may vary.


    Prize: Hockey Mom Prize Pack (ARV $40)
    (see detailed list above
    Open to: Canadian Residents
    Giveaway Ends:

    Hockey Mom Twitter Party
    Be sure to visit Did You Know Canada to RSVP for this exciting Twitter Party!

    Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom/mamanP&G. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. The opinions on this blog are my own.

    By entering the following contest you are accepting that if you win your contact information will be shared with a P&G PR and shipping agency for the purpose of mailing your prize. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the contest closure date to receive your prize.

    This giveaway may appear on other blogs as part of the #PGmom/#mamanPG program. However, to be fair, you can only win once per giveaway. If your name is chosen more than once, another winner will be selected. All winners must be from within Canada.

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148 Responses to Celebrating Hockey Moms #PGMom #Giveaway

  1. Amy Heffernan says:

    My oldest boy has been playing hockey for 3 years now and it seems to work great with him. My youngest boy is now started swimming lessons and he seems to enjoy it!

  2. Amy says:

    My daughter likes soccer, but her favorite is swimming. I think swimming is a great life saving skill to have.

  3. rhod says:

    Swimming is my favourite sport.

  4. ivy pluchinsky says:

    bowling and soccer

  5. Lori Jackson says:

    My son loves soccer!

  6. lisa bolduc says:

    my son likes hockey and pool

  7. Darwin says:

    My son loves soccer and I think it’s great because ever since he started in soccer, he’s a lot less clumsy.

  8. Shari Goss says:

    I think soccer is a great one. Not a lot of a equipment needed. Uses their energy, and keeps them active.

  9. Lynda Cook says:

    my girls liked playing soccer and mostly badminton they loved playing that and were super happy when their school added it as one of the sports

  10. Monique Shuell says:

    I think any sport is great for young children to participate in. Even if they don’t understand all the rules, they can have a great time and exercise too. My young daughter has taken a liking to soccer and hockey.

  11. Holly Wright says:

    My child’s favourite sport is gymnastics

  12. Stephanie LaPlante says:

    My favorite sports are definitely Hockey & Soccer.

  13. elaing8 says:

    favorite sport-hockey

  14. Andrea says:

    my favourite sport is hockey. I think soccer is a good one for little kids though.

  15. ShariD says:

    We were always big football fans here!

  16. Jenness Mills says:

    My son and I both love hockey.

  17. Dayna Wilson says:

    My son and I are huge hockey fans. “Hockey” and “jersey” were two of his first words…and he loves watching the game every Saturday with Daddy. As soon as he’s old enough, we plan to enroll him in hockey. He’s starting with ice skating lessons in the fall!

  18. Heidi C. says:

    My kids are all into gymnastics/trampoline!

  19. angela mitchell says:

    My daughter loves karate and I think it’s great for exercise and self -esteem!

  20. Tanis Sergeew says:

    We love hockey – a great team sport!

  21. Josh says:

    I enjoy hockey

  22. Darlene Schuller says:

    My teenager really likes Rugby, my 7 year old is lovin’ soccer.

  23. ginette4 says:

    I have 3 girls, 2 of the girls love baseball, the one daughter never liked sports, when I put her in baseball she hated it, she was in dance and love dancing, she would be on the baseball field and dancing while the others were playing ball, you knew where her head was at..lol

  24. Sweet Panda says:

    My daughter’s favourite sport is skating

  25. loriag says:

    TaeKwonDo worked great for all my children, it gave them a skill and taught them discipline.

  26. Jody Doncaster says:

    My daughter is more baseball oriented

  27. dewinner says:

    One likes soccer and the other likes hockey ( Doris Calvert)

  28. writeanu says:

    My son loves soccer!

  29. sarah stickney says:


  30. flowerchild23 says:

    My daughter loves gymnastics

  31. Jamie Bertrand says:


  32. Emily C. says:

    I love swimming!

  33. Sunshine g says:

    Mine is going to be a soccer player – I can sense it.

  34. Sarah Parisi says:

    My daughters love to Dance and skate.

  35. Juliee Fitze says:

    I have always liked baseball best.

  36. Josie says:

    Any sport is good as long as the kids are having fun! My girls are in gymnastics

  37. Kimberly B says:

    Soccer is his favorite sport right now and swimming.

  38. Melinda Jana says:

    Fav sport right now is karate. as long as he’s happy, that’s all that matters

  39. Wendy Hutton says:

    soccer kids seems to love it

  40. sharon boyle says:


  41. lori b says:

    mine has enjoyed volleyball

  42. fossie55 says:

    My son played hockey in the winter and soccer and baseball in the summer. My grandkids also love hockey and they love swimming.
    Florence c

  43. Audrey Skinner says:

    My nephews favorite sport is skating and snowboarding.

  44. Lushka Smith says:

    My favourite sport if Golf

  45. Erika Birrell says:

    My sons favorite sport is Taekwondo !!

  46. karla says:

    my sons fav sport is HOCKEY!! He have been playing in Minor Hockey since he was 4,and is now 14,,so all this would come in handy,,thanks!!

  47. kathy downey says:

    grandson favorite sport is skating

  48. Wobbles says:

    My favourite is ultimate Frisbee

  49. Barbara Hutcheson says:

    My son’s sport is jiu jitsu and riding his horse

  50. Kassie Jo Lauhoff says:

    baseball, for sure!!

  51. Lyndsey says:

    Swimming… My niece loves it!

  52. Ang says:

    I think that swimming and soccer are best for little ones under 5.

  53. Robyn B. says:

    I think that swimming and soccer are best for kids as it is great cardio for them. My daughter’s favorite sport is soccer.

  54. Lori Bazan says:

    I think hockey and swimming are both great. Hockey teaches teamwork and cooperation and swimming is a required skill

  55. diannearsenaul says:

    Baton twirling is a great confidence builder!

  56. lyn21 says:

    My children are currently involved in swimming, soccer and skipping.

  57. julie_bolduc says:

    My daughters love swimming

  58. Pingback: Purple Monster Coupons – Celebrating Hockey Moms PGMom Giveaway

  59. Judy Cowan says:

    Fav sport right now is swimming (Judy C)

  60. Joanne Saunders says:

    Soccer, my son loves to run. I can see track and field in the future.

  61. Erika E says:

    My son likes snowboarding. He learned when he was quite young.

  62. Whatever sport they are interested in, it is the participation and moving that matters regardless of the actual sport

  63. Gillian Morgan says:

    Soccer is her favourite.

  64. Pingback: P&G Hockey Mom Prize Pack Giveaway | Just Sweep

  65. Sonia Savage says:

    all sport is good for children

  66. Jennifer P. says:

    My daughter’s favourite sport is swimming. I have worked at our city swimming pool since she was a baby, so she was introduced to the water early. She really excels at it and enjoys it at the same time. Not sure I am looking forward to the early morning swim team practices, but luckily we live close to the pool so the commute time won’t be too much! 🙂

  67. Wanda Tracey says:

    My sons love hockey in the winter and swimming in the summer.

  68. Lisa says:

    I think basketball is great for children because not much equipment is needed, and they get to enjoy the fresh air (if the weather permits, and there is a basketball court nearby)

  69. Glogirl3 says:

    My favourite sport is volleyball.

  70. Debbie Petch says:

    Swimming is great for building self-confidence and fitness.

  71. Kelly Iversen says:

    My son loves hockey and swimming.

  72. Kim says:

    Swimming is essential for everyone. Dance is their favourite.

  73. Dianne says:

    I don’t feel there is any one sport that suits all children. If it makes a child happy and they learn new skills that is great. Swimming is important for safety, team sports are good for teaching co-operation, dancing and gymnastics teach confidence and help with flexibility. My grandchildren participate in these sports.

  74. billiondollarprincesss says:

    He loves hockey

  75. Rebby Roberts says:

    My personal favourite is gymnastics

  76. jonnieh says:

    Track and Field is good for kids because there are many events so they are bound to be really good at or really enjoy a few of them.

  77. teeslee says:

    the kids love swimming

  78. mommakoala says:

    My daughter loves basketball

  79. Amanda says:

    My boys are almost-5 and 7 years old. The youngest doesn’t yet have a favourite, although he says he wants to try baseball again this year. My oldest has been doing floor hockey this winter and has *really* been enjoying it a lot.

  80. nikki robak says:

    my son loves hockey

  81. Nancy T says:

    My 2 girls love ice skating and are part of the CanSkate program.

  82. Nicolthe pickle says:

    I would love it if my girls could learn iceskating, hockey (not competitively), just to enjoy it.

  83. Cassie Fancy says:

    I think swimming is the best sport for children . Teaching a child to swim is not only fun but teaches them a great life skill

  84. Kristine E says:

    I think soccer is a great sport to get them as well as swimming

  85. lp says:

    curling. thanks

  86. leanne m says:

    My daughter is a competitive swimmer, dancer and soccer player and my boys are in soccer and baseball.

  87. Shannon Edgar Gnocato says:

    My daughter loves swimming and dance.

  88. Tanya B says:

    soccer it teaches them to work as a team

  89. Casey Miller says:

    Bowling is a great team sport

  90. favgreen says:

    It’s hockey in our home!
    via Rhonda W G.

  91. Jenny Major says:

    my daughter loves to skate

  92. Belinda McNabb says:

    MY son’s favorite sport is soccer

  93. Leah Lucas says:

    We love to play baseball!

  94. Lucy says:

    they love to swim

  95. Moongazing says:


  96. truckerofbc says:

    Soccer and Swimming. Anything that involves running really.

  97. Juliee Fitze says:

    Soccer , it has them using their muscles and burning off energy.

  98. Brenda Penton says:

    My son loves running, shooting (marksmanship) and biathlon

  99. sarah sar says:

    My kids love soccer and ice hockey.

  100. rparis says:

    track is the sport for my daughter

  101. Jaimee says:

    I feel that hockey or baseball works well for children. It teaches them a strong team effort, and gives them a sense of pride in what they do1

  102. margaretsmith says:

    One son loves swimming the other football

  103. Tammy D says:

    My son loves karate!

  104. buzzd says:

    soccer to get alot of exercise

  105. abfantom says:

    My daughter’s favorite sport is gymanstics

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  106. Stephen k says:

    swimming is a great sport

  107. ChristinaE says:

    I believe swimming is the best exercise because it works the entire body and its low impact.

  108. Susan C says:

    I love volleyball because it can be played on the beach!

  109. Mihaela Day says:

    My daughter and son both play soccer 🙂

  110. Amanda L. says:

    My child’s favorite sport is soccer.

  111. dglitter says:

    I think soccer is great for kids, as it instills a sense of “team” that will serve them well in life.

  112. cynthiac says:

    I like soccer because there is lots of movement, so they really get good exercise.

  113. hawkshoe says:

    My son loves bowling.

  114. nickie burke says:

    My son loves swimming

  115. Jammie says:

    I think it depends on the child, and what they like doing. If it’s something they enjoy it will work the best, my favorite sport growing up was volleyball, I would say my daughter’s favorite is swimming.

  116. mullin77 says:

    My children like to play volleyball and soccer
    Cathy Truman

  117. Danielle says:

    I like track because there are several areas a child can find that makes them shine.

  118. bkkihega says:

    My child’s favorite sport is football!

  119. Lisa Voyce says:

    My daughter played soccer from the time she was 8 until she graduated high school. I think it was good because it kept her active, out of trouble and learned to be a team player.

  120. Tamar says:

    I’d probably go with kickball.

  121. Brandi K says:

    My child’s favorite sport is kickball

  122. Erica Carnes says:

    Soccer is our favorite.

  123. Tracy Pryor says:

    Our favorite sport is football.

  124. mckim says:

    My grandson is 3 1/2, and has just signed up to play t-ball. I’m excited for his first game.

  125. Janie N says:

    Favorite sport to watch is hockey. Our favorite sport to play is softball. If you can call it a sport we did a lot of shoveling snow this past winter 🙂

  126. mollycapel says:

    I think Soccer, because all kids can play it

  127. Brandee H says:

    Soccer is such a fun sport for little ones. My son has played since he started walking. Its a fun team sport that costs no money! And you can play almost anywhere!

  128. ToCo says:

    Swimming is important and great exercise and fun!

  129. Monique Rizzo says:

    My daughters favorite sport is Softball.

  130. Daniel M says:

    he really liked hockey

  131. Heather Dawn says:

    My son loves baseball!

  132. Brittney House says:

    My son likes football.

  133. Evelyn Driver says:

    My Daughter totally loved her karate classes. She was so cute in her little gi at age 3. She still talks about it at 17.

  134. lil_dreame says:

    Soccer is a good team sport!

  135. Janice Crespo says:

    I always like softball the best so I will vote for football for my grandson. 🙂 He is only 15 months, LOL, but he getting pretty good at tackling the dog – LOL

  136. Beth Gallinger says:

    I like soccer because it’s a summer sport.

  137. susansmoaks says:

    basketball is our favorite sport.

  138. rose paden says:

    I think swimming is a good sport. It’s one of my favorites!

  139. jandsfox_143 says:

    Dance! My girls love it and it teaches them discipline, flexibility, team work, and it’s great exercise!

  140. tinareynolds says:

    soccer fan

  141. ccrepressie says:

    My son loves to play baseball.

    Charity S

  142. trisha mckee says:

    It is so difficult to say a sport that is best for all children. you have to take into consideration skill sets, likes, and abilities. My daughter was great at softball. She wants to try swimming and volleyball. I think it is important to try different activities. Just so she is active and works hard at whatever sport she joins.

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