Twitter Party ALERT: All About Car Seat Safety #CMRCarSeatSafety

Car Seat Safety

My husband and I always tell our children that it is our job as a parent to ensure first and foremost their SAFETY. The priority of their happiness and everything else comes AFTER their SAFETY. This is difficult sometimes for them to understand or accept, but that does not matter, because it is our job as their parent to ensure this. This may sound harsh, but it is a reality as a parent. In order for our children to be SAFE, it is important to do our research and to learn. One area that is very important is… Car Seat … Continue reading

Team Up for a Canadian Chicken Contest​ #TeamCdnChicken

Chicken Farmers

Have you ever wanted to celebrate Canada Day in the nation’s capital? How much fun would that be to take your family to Ottawa to celebreate Canada day? I know that my son and daughter would be absolutely thrilled! If you answered YES to the question above, then, do I ever have a CONTEST for you! Check out the Canadian Chicken Contest​ on Facebook for your chance to enter to win 1 of 3 AMAZING prizes! Canadian Chicken Contest​ Details: How to Enter: Visit Chicken Farmers on Facebook to enter. Entrants must vote for 1 of 3 Chicken Farmers of … Continue reading

RSVP NOW for a Fellowes Twitter Party! #FellowesProtects

Fellowes Protects Twitter Party

Did you know that March is Fraud Prevention Month? I try to be very careful with my personal documents and typically err on the side of caution when it comes to destroying any papers with personal information for fear of identity theft. Like Fellowes suggests in the Top 10 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft above, we used to shred every single piece of paper with any trace to us in our home, until one day, I put too many papers at once through my inexpensive paper shredder and it broke. After that, I have had to ask my hubby to … Continue reading

It’s a @SummerFresh Twitter Party #FreshSnacks {Giveaway}

Snack n Go Summer Fresh

Be sure to RSVP for this amazing #FreshSnacks Twitter Party! I’ve been enjoying a daily snack of Summer Fresh Hummus and crackers. I am loving how this snack satisfies my hunger and keeps me feeling fuller longer. It is definitely a healthy snack option that is going to become a staple in my house. I love the Snack ‘n Go packs because it makes healthy snacking SO convenient. There are many children who would love to have a Snack ‘n Go added to their school lunch this school year. This is yet another FANTASTIC nut free way of getting protein … Continue reading

You Could Win A MacBook Air at the #HeritageB2S Twitter Party 8/27


Yes, you read the correctly! RSVP NOW and YOU could WIN a MacBook Air: I love participating in Twitter Parties, whether I’m simply a participant, a co-host or even a host. I get a strange thrill with the speed and intensity of a twitter party and I love interacting with other tweeps and brands as I always learn something new. Will you join me this Wednesday night for what is ramping up to be one of the best parties of the Back to School season? Twitter Party Details: Twitter Party Hashtag: #HeritageB2S Date/Time: Wed. Aug. 27 9-10pm EST Sponsors: @HeritageFunds … Continue reading

How to use TweetDeck for a Twitter Party

How to Use TweetDeck for a Twitter Party

I attend, co-host and host quite a few Twitter parties and I have decided that I like to use TweetDeck to help me navigate the party! In this post, I am going to show you step by step How to use TweetDeck for a Twitter Party! If you aren’t sure what a Twitter Party even is, head on over to read about what is a Twitter Party?, then come back here to learn how to use TweetDeck. First, you need to sign into TweetDeck using your @TwitterName and your Twitter Password.           Do you see the blue … Continue reading