Team Up for a Canadian Chicken Contest​ #TeamCdnChicken

Chicken Farmers

Have you ever wanted to celebrate Canada Day in the nation’s capital? How much fun would that be to take your family to Ottawa to celebreate Canada day? I know that my son and daughter would be absolutely thrilled! If you answered YES to the question above, then, do I ever have a CONTEST for you! Check out the Canadian Chicken Contest​ on Facebook for your chance to enter to win 1 of 3 AMAZING prizes! Canadian Chicken Contest​ Details: How to Enter: Visit Chicken Farmers on Facebook to enter. Entrants must vote for 1 of 3 Chicken Farmers of … Continue reading

Healthier Fried Chicken

Healthier Fried Chicken

While searching for a Delicious Chicken Recipe, I came across Sunshine and Sippy Cup’s Healthier Kickin’ Chicken Recipe. I modified it slightly according to what I had in my kitchen and made it last night for dinner. It was absolutely DELICIOUS and will definitely be added to our regular dinner routine. Healthier Fried Chicken Recipe Type: Chicken Author: Amanda @ Multi-Testing Mommy Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 50 mins Serves: 4-6 Ingredients 1/2 cup oil (I used 1/2 avacado and 1/2 Three Farmers Camelina oil) 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon garlic … Continue reading

Three Cook Books Featuring Chicken, Slow Cooker and Vegan Recipes

Burrito and Stroganoff

As a cookbook collector and someone who cooks chicken for dinner 80% of the time, I was very interested in receiving the 125 Best Chicken Recipes cookbook by Rose Murray from publisher Robert Rose. I am always on the hunt for new chicken recipes to keep our menu interesting and to keep my family from chicken boredom! 125 Best Chicken Recipes has many easy to prepare recipes that are great for weeknight meals. One aspect of the book that I really liked was that many of the recipes include ingredients that I would normally stock or buy. I am not … Continue reading

Bacon Wrapped Cheesy Chicken Melts

Bacon Wrapped Cheesy Chicken Melts

A couple of weeks ago, I saw the most delicious looking recipe for Best Ever Slow Cooker Chicken Breasts while cruising through posts on my favourite blogs. As soon as I learned that Kraft Creamy Mexicana Shredded Cheese with a Touch of Philadelphia had hit the shelves in grocery stores, I knew the perfect dish to create! My very own Bacon Wrapped Cheesy Chicken Melts! Kraft has specially blended their Kraft Shredded Cheese with a Touch of Philadelphia to deliver a soft and creamy melt that was a perfect fit for creating my Bacon Wrapped Cheesy Chicken Melts! I could … Continue reading