FunBites: Making Food Fun! {REV!EW and G!VEAWAY}

I am all over making food FUN for my kids! Ever since they were babies and eating finger foods, I have tried to make them special meals and snacks once in a while. I always have my eyes peeled for new fun ways to add a bit of creativity to my childrens’ food! Recently, I have been introduced to FunBites that can be purchased in Canada at The possibilities are just about endless when it comes to the types of food that you can use FunBites on! We really enjoyed making fun bite sized sandwiches for school. My daughter … Continue reading

Pop Rocks Candy Halloween Recipes

These recipes have been brought to you by Pop Rocks Candy Inc. About Pop Rocks:The one and only original popping candy brand, Pop Rocks, is America’s best selling popping candy and has been enjoyed by and is a favorite of an ever-growing variety of loyal confections lovers of all ages since the 1970´s. After 35 years at retail, Pop Rocks maintains an extremely high brand awareness and continues to use unique marketing programs that appeal to kids, teens and people of all ages. Become a Pop Rocks fan on facebook by visiting today! Pop Rocks Halloween Recipes Pop Rocks … Continue reading

Fun and Easy Halloween Snack with a Little Hidden Math!

If you don’t have time to be creative, but you want to serve a fun and festive snack to your little ones, here’s an idea…. Buy festive icecube trays from your local Dollar Store or this year, I’ve seen them at the Canadian Superstore (Loblaws). Young children just LOVE to get their snack tray filled up with fun little food bits and they feel like a big kid when they carry it by themselves to the table. The trays are so much fun to fill and they portion out the smallest snacks so their tummies don’t get too full. You … Continue reading