Back to School Tips from @KidsHelpPhone

While the start of a new school year can be exciting for many kids and parents alike, young people can also experience feelings of nervousness, anxiety, stress, and tension.

Transitioning to a new grade, changing schools, getting new teachers, and making friends are all examples of the types of concerns young people can have ahead of September.

Back to school anxiety can affect any young person, no matter their age, but there are ways parents can help their kids feel supported at this time of year.
Back to School Tips from Kids Help Phone
Have a talk. Ask your kid what they’re thinking and feeling about the new school year.

Open up their perspective. Kids might say, “I’ve heard my new school is really violent,” or, “everyone takes drugs there.” Talk about where that perception is coming from. Media stories, older siblings, or friends can influence a young person’s perspective. Reassure your kid that not every student in their new school will be doing the same things, or making the same choices.

Empower them to say no. If they are worried about peer pressure, encourage them to trust their own judgment, and teach them how to say no.

Help set realistic expectations. A new year can bring a lot of changes: different friends, different clubs and sports teams, and different teachers, especially for kids who are changing schools.

For example, the most popular kids in their graduating class might not be the most popular at their new school. A kid who is leaving their favourite teacher behind might not create the same kind of bond with their new teacher.

Listen to what your kid is telling you about how they are feeling about going back to school and get them thinking about steps they can take to adjust to the transition so that they feel prepared when they head back to class.

Help them grasp reality. Over the summer, kids can have a lot of time to imagine scenarios that might start to seem overwhelming. A kid’s biggest fear about the new school year probably won’t come true. Help them be realistic about their worries by asking about them. Try to find out what their fears are based on, and ask, “what if it doesn’t happen that way?” Start getting them to think about other possibilities.

Remember, you and your kid can always visit together to find information about friendship, school, and more.

And if a young person wants to reach out on their own, they can always speak to a professional Kids Help Phone counsellor, 24/7, for more tips about going back to school: 1-800-668-6868.

I highly recommend that you post this number somewhere visible in your house and have a chat with your children about it before school starts. It might be comforting to know that there is someone out there who will listen to them if they need to talk and do not feel comfortable or want to talk to you! As much as that might be hard for us as parents to grasp, what is most important is that they talk to someone if in need!

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17 Responses to Back to School Tips from @KidsHelpPhone

  1. kathy downey says:

    I always got my daughter to help me after supper and we talked about anything,If you teach them from a young age that they can come to you with anything no matter how small or big and you never get upset or judge.As they grow they will continue to do so.My daughter got married last summer and we still can talk about anything.

  2. Amy Lovell says:

    We talk about our day at the dinner table. It’s what we did when I was a child, and it’s what I’m doing now. It’s a great way to come together and talk!

  3. DARLENE W says:

    communication is so important, when I was a child we were told to shut up and eat, thank goodness I encouraged my children to speak at the table while having a meal. My grandchildren are now taught the same from their parent’s

  4. Laurie P says:

    So important to talk often…I always had the best chats with my boy on our walks, especially the walk home from school. It was a good 10-12 minutes to walk home, and he just seemed more open to chat about how his day was, and how he felt about school/teachers…

  5. DARLENE W says:

    I love chatting with the grandkids, it can be about anything. Silly or serious it makes no difference

  6. cole mckinnon says:

    I try to find ways to communicate with my grandbabies, whether texting, visiting them at their home, having them overnight at my home, telephoning, chatting online, etc. It is imperative to keep that connection with them, despite the trials and tribulations of daily life. I firmly believe we can make a major difference in the lives of our children.

    • We have to communicate in a variety of ways these days, including texting etc. – I’m so happy to hear that you are up with the times and communicating with your Grandchildren on a regular basis. That relationship is so important and the fact that you are taking the initiative on that communication is so special! Your Grandchildren are so very lucky! Your influence is very important.

  7. Nena Sinclair says:

    It’s so important to encourage your kids to talk to you, let them know that they can tell you anything. I’m thankful that they have help lines, too. I worked as a volunteer for a children’s and teen’s help line here, until it closed because they couldn’t get enough volunteers.

  8. Christy says:

    Back to school can be such a stressful time for kids – and moms! So important to have open lines of communication.

  9. kathy downey says:

    Be open with your kids,let them know you are available all the time for them

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