The Allowance Debate ~ What You Need to Consider

Great Allowance Debate

The allowance debate has always been a hot topic in many households. Should you give one? Should children contribute to chores without monetary incentives? The truth is, while it’s up to the individual parents, there are a few things you need to know about giving your kids an allowance before you make a concrete decision. Your Child’s Financial Future is Affected Giving your children an allowance can lead to a better financial future for them. Kids that get an allowance are oftentimes better with managing money than those who don’t. They Don’t Have to get an Allowance for Chores There … Continue reading

Free Printable and Customizable Chore Chart

Chore Chart

Chores or family contributions are important for children as they teach them a sense of responsibility! Do your children do chores? In our house, we prefer to call them Family Contributions, however this summer I have stepped up my expectations. Up until now, during the school year, I expect my children to do some basic family contributions like clearing their place at the table, keeping their rooms clean, tidying up after themselves, etc. Starting last summer, I added a few more expectations as the children are around to help out around the house more. I have created a customizable chore … Continue reading