Cost Effective Snack Ideas for Kids

I knew that kids eat a lot, but I never expected just how much it would cost!

I’m always on the hunt for cost effective snack ideas for kids as it often feels like they are a bottomless pit!

cost effective snack ideas for kids
I love to make baked snacks for my kids, but let’s face it, sometimes there just isn’t enough time. I often make muffins first thing in the morning as they are a great breakfast and school lunch food. I also find that they are very cost effective and a great way to include healthier choices (like banana, carrots or zucchini).

In order to make these homemade snacks even more cost effective, I like to check out the flyers and stock up on staples like flour, eggs, milk and butter. Missing in the staples list for baking is sugar, but I am trying really hard to cut down on the use of sugar in my baking by replacing it with honey or pure maple syrup instead.

One of the items that I do keep in stock as well, for a quick snack option, is granola bars. This week, found a large sized box (40 bars) of brand name granola bars at FreshCo for $5.99, quite possibly the least expensive I’ve ever seen them! Typically, I purchase them at 26 cents each. This time, they were 15 cents each – definitely one of the most cost effective snack ideas for kids.

I also learned that FreshCo will price match using the FreshCo Cheaper Guarantee where they will beat the price of any competitor with their price match policy. It might take a bit more time, but price matching is a great way to save even more money while shopping for food for the family.

cost effective snack ideas for kids

Three more cost effective snack ideas:

cost effective snack ideas for kids
No-Bake Healthy Oatmeal Granola Bars
A delicious treat that doesn’t take much time at all to make! The longest part is the chilling after you have prepared them.

cost effective snack ideas for kids
Kale Chips
When Kale is in season, it is very reasonably priced. Because it has a bitter taste, most children do not enjoy kale, BUT when prepared as kale chips, now that is a different story!

cost effective snack ideas for kids
One Pot Oatmeal Slab Cookies
One Pot cookies means there is a small amount of clean up after these delicious oatmeal slab cookies have been prepared.

What are your favourite cost effective snack ideas for your children?

This post has been brought to you by Freshco. and TheCO. All opinions are my own and have not been influenced in any way.

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8 Responses to Cost Effective Snack Ideas for Kids

  1. binabug says:

    I’m seeing a ton of posts aobut this company and finally googled it!! Of course, ON only lol….like so many of the discount grocery stores. I wonder why none will come out west? We’re literally still waiting for the store to be built for Save On Foods. (the signs are up but nothing yet)

  2. kathy downey says:

    I heard lots of good things about this store which we had it in my area

  3. Laurie P says:

    I sitll haven’t tried Kale chips!! Freshco is our go-to for groceries!

  4. kathy downey says:

    Those are all nest ideas for snacks,it a shame we don’t have a store like this in my area

  5. Judy Cowan says:

    Some great ideas! Those Oatmeal Slab cookies look worth trying!

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