Finally! A BREATHABLE, Waterproof Option for BedWetting

This review of PeapodMats, a solution for quick clean up solution for bedwetting, is written by Tracy Turberfield.
Our daughter is 5 years old and has been struggling with bed wetting for over a year. WE have been struggling for a solution that makings cleaning up from bedwetting faster and easier for a long time.

I have come to learn just how common bedwetting is for young children and after a visit to our pediatrician, I had to accept that there is no overnight “cure” and it may take a couple more years for her to “grow out of it”. This news was disheartening after the year I had just spent making trips into her bedroom in the middle of night to change wet bed sheets and the daily trips to the laundry room.

My water and hydro bill were taking a beating.

I tried those white plastic bedwetting covers but they slipped around underneath her and I end up having to wash those as well as the full set of sheets! I was at my wits end and I think the universe knew it and put PeapodMats front and center on my computer screen one morning!

As soon as I saw them, I went right to the website to check them out. Having used the other kind previously I was a bit skeptical at first, but after the first night, I was a believer! The PeopodMats stayed right in place under her and the sheets below were completely dry. We took the PeopodMats with us to relatives for the weekend, where my daughter sleeps on the couch. Usually we have to layer the couch with garbage bags and two layers of sheets to for protection. Not this time. The PeopodMats worked great and the couch was dry in the morning, what a relief.

My daughter has asked in the past to “camp” in the hallway overnight with her stuffed animals and I have had to say no for fear she will have an accident on the carpet. I was thrilled to say YES this time when she asked. We put the PeopodMats under her to protect the carpet and sure enough it was dry in the morning. She was a very happy camper and I was a very happy mama!

PeopodMats has saved me time, money and stress. I can’t say enough about this product, I love it.

PeapodMats are featured on our Gift Ideas page as we truly believe that every family should have one and they would make a great gift idea.

PeapodMats are:

  • 100% waterproof
  • non-slip
  • soft and breathable
  • portable
  • reusable
  • hassle free


They have many uses including:

  • Bed Sheet Protector
  • Co-sleeping
  • Pregnancy Mat
  • Birthing Mat
  • Breast Feeding Mat
  • Vehicle Seat Protector
  • Furniture Protector
  • Post Surgery
  • Wheelchair Protector
  • Travel Mat

  • It’s Giveaway Time!
    Prize: A Beau Blue 3×3 PeapodMats ($49.99)
    Open to: Canadian and US Residents
    Giveaway Ends: March 21, 2016, 11:59pm ET

    This review was written by Tracy Tuberfield: a Mom and the the owner of

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91 Responses to Finally! A BREATHABLE, Waterproof Option for BedWetting

  1. jan says:

    My grandson is a bed wetter and his parents would be grateful for this – as well as me when he stays over.

  2. Anne Dougherty says:

    These look like a great product!

  3. Anne Dougherty says:

    These would definitely take the stress out of bed wetting, although i have to deal with it

  4. Juliee Fitze says:

    This would really help for my granddaughter , when she has her nap in the afternoon on the couch she sometimes wets herself . So if I had this to put on the couch it would help matters a lot.

  5. Judy Cowan says:

    Actually I have an ostomy which can sometimes leak at night so I can see this coming in handy. I have a great mattress pad at home but this would be perfect for travelling.

  6. Judy Cowan says:

    Actually I have an ostomy which can sometimes leak at night so I can see this coming in handy. I have a great mattress pad at home but this would be perfect for travelling.

  7. Elena S says:

    I have to wake my son up for one more bathroom trip when I go to bed. This mat would come in handy for us because he’s still learning to stay dry overnight.

  8. Elena S says:

    I have to wake my son up for one more bathroom trip when I go to bed. This mat would come in handy for us because he’s still learning to stay dry overnight.

  9. Mandy says:

    My daughter is starting toilet training soon and I’ve been nervous about all the wet bedsheets we would have to deal with. I hope this product works because I would love to give this a try.

  10. jonnieh says:

    My best tip is to make sure your child goes to the bathroom before bed and wake them once through the night to go again. I think these would also be great for puppies!

  11. julie_bolduc says:

    While my husband has bladder infections he losses control of his bladder this would be perfect for him

  12. teeslee says:

    We have been using the white plastic bedwetting covers and this creates a lot of laundry and time changing the sheets everyday. Would love to try PeapodMat to cut back on time and money.

  13. Kristy Reid says:

    My best tip is to double layer the bed – mattress protector, sheet, mattress protector, sheet. This way, if your LO wets the bed at night, you simply strip off the top layer, throw it in the wash, clean the kid and go back to bed.It saves some time, but there’s still laundry to do.
    The PeaPodMat would make the clean up go faster.

  14. Pingback: Bedwetting Troubles? - Multi-Testing Mommy

  15. fossie55 says:

    I would love to have this for my 85 year old mom who sometimes don’t make it out of the bed quick enough to get to the bathroom.
    Florence C

  16. kathy downey says:

    I limit liquids after supper,wake child and take them to bathroom before i go to bed .I cover the bedding with a mattress protector but if an accidents happens before i get there its strip the bed and remake but with a Peapod it would make life so much easier.

  17. kathy downey says:

    I limit liquids after supper,wake child and take them to bathroom before i go to bed .I cover the bedding with a mattress protector but if an accidents happens before i get there its strip the bed and remake but with a Peapod it would make life so much easier.

  18. Cheryl says:

    My heart breaks for our 9 yr old daughter. She still wets the bed and we have tried everything. Like being a kid and trying to fit in isn’t enough too deal with 🙁 I think this would help me with the wash forsure!

  19. Carole Dube says:

    My best tip is to wake your child through the night! I have try so many things. That’s the only one that worked.

  20. nickie burke says:

    I try to limit liquids before bedtime.

  21. Laurie Bolduc-Cadieux says:

    We try to limit the fluid intake after 6pm.

  22. Laurie Bolduc-Cadieux says:

    We try to limit the fluid intake after 6pm.

  23. lisa bolduc says:

    i don’t have any tips, my little guy is still in diapers and we are not at that point yet. looking for all of the tips

  24. Kim D says:

    Wouldn’t be used for bedwetting but for co-sleeping.

  25. Kim D says:

    Wouldn’t be used for bedwetting but for co-sleeping.

  26. Gillian Morgan says:

    Cut off all fluids two hours before bedtime.

  27. Caroline Moustache says:

    try to reduce the quantity of liquids consumed within a few hours of bedtime.

  28. Caroline Moustache says:

    try to reduce the quantity of liquids consumed within a few hours of bedtime.

  29. Monique Shuell says:

    We make sure our daughter goes to the bathroom right before bed. We have played up how she is a big girl and no longer needs diapers, so that has given her the confidence she needs to make it through the night on her own.

  30. Erinn Lishman says:

    When I was nighttime potty training, I would calmly wake my girls up for a quick potty break before I went to bed, to avoid any bed wetting.

  31. Amy says:

    I could really use this for my couch. We have a new puppy and she has lots of accidents. Unfortunately some of those accidents have been on my couch.

    • Oh dear 🙁 Yes, this could work for a pet as well! Great idea. If you are having trouble with the accidents that already happened (smell etc.), I do have another suggestion for you – feel free to contact me if you’re interested.

  32. Maria McLachlan says:

    I’m going to be potty training really soon with my second and this would come in handy.

  33. C L. Chin says:

    My tip would probably to have an extra sheet of sheets on hand for changing the bed close by so it’s easier to change when there is an accident. Then it’s also important to reassure your child that bedwetting can happen and not to feel ashamed.

  34. Wendy Jensen says:

    Bed wetting is distressing to both the child and parent. You just have to be patient because they can’t help it. Even the no drinks close to bedtime did not work.

  35. L H says:

    I’ve been using fleece blankets on top of a mattress protector for my son. It’s pretty water resistant and warm, too.

  36. Stephanie Phelps says:

    We have tried a lot of things to no avail and this would make us both feel better to win this by making it less embarrassing.

  37. Stephanie Phelps says:

    We have tried a lot of things to no avail and this would make us both feel better to win this by making it less embarrassing.

  38. When our granddaughter is feeling sick, putting it down would help give me some piece of mind for all kinds of, ahem, fluids. I’m 56 and I can see this might work, um, for seniors too.

  39. Joni W says:

    my nephew, I have no idea why he wets the bed. not every night, sometimes he goes a while without, then relapses. would be awesome and save my sis time, which is needed with 5 kids.

  40. Joni W says:

    my nephew, I have no idea why he wets the bed. not every night, sometimes he goes a while without, then relapses. would be awesome and save my sis time, which is needed with 5 kids.

  41. Kim says:

    No drinking fluids for at least 2 hours prior to bed if bedwetting is an issue.

  42. Leisa says:

    No drinks after 7 pm !

  43. Sunshine g says:

    We’re starting overnight potty training, so we’re trying the ‘no drinks after bedtime’ to start. This would give her peace of mind that her sheets won’t be wet!

  44. Sunshine g says:

    We’re starting overnight potty training, so we’re trying the ‘no drinks after bedtime’ to start. This would give her peace of mind that her sheets won’t be wet!

  45. Kimm Coleman says:

    No drinks before bedtime and doubling up on bedding.

  46. Kimm Coleman says:

    No drinks before bedtime and doubling up on bedding.

  47. Richard Hicks says:

    Nothing to drink at least a couple of hour before bedtme

  48. Tiffany says:

    I’ve got a potty training toddler who still wets the bed. This would save his mattress. I currently layer towels under his sheet.

  49. Tiffany says:

    I’ve got a potty training toddler who still wets the bed. This would save his mattress. I currently layer towels under his sheet.

  50. Justin says:

    This would really help save on laundry costs for my child who is still working on outgrowing bedwetting. Also would help sleep more comfortably without the hard plastic mattress protector being necessary.

  51. Justin says:

    This would really help save on laundry costs for my child who is still working on outgrowing bedwetting. Also would help sleep more comfortably without the hard plastic mattress protector being necessary.

  52. Andrea Amy says:

    My 7 year old still has nights where he wets the bed. He wears a pull up to bed, but I find half the time they leak (he’s not big enough for the good nights). He’s getting better, but something like this would be great because I am also sick of doing the midnight sheet change and the zillion loads of sheets and blankets in the wash every week. Right now we pile up quite a few blankets under him and then he wears the pullup and we hope for the best lol

  53. Sarah Alexis says:

    My niece has always had trouble with bed wetting… still now at 12 years old! My sister spends so much money on doing laundry and disposable pads… these would be GREAT for her!!!

  54. Sarah Alexis says:

    My niece has always had trouble with bed wetting… still now at 12 years old! My sister spends so much money on doing laundry and disposable pads… these would be GREAT for her!!!

  55. theponyhalf~ says:

    Definitely limiting fluids before bed is a must.

  56. Aaron says:

    My nighttime bedwetting tip is to limit evening liquids!

  57. Laurie P says:

    Up until recently my girl had perfected potty training at night. But we’ve had some nights of bedwetting…..this would be very useful at this point!

  58. Holly O'Gorman says:

    It really helps to limit liquids before bedtime.

  59. Holly O'Gorman says:

    It really helps to limit liquids before bedtime.

  60. UglyMummy says:

    my son leaks nightly so this would be a great product to keep his sheets dry

  61. UglyMummy says:

    my son leaks nightly so this would be a great product to keep his sheets dry

  62. kristen visser says:

    this would be amazing to use for my 3.5 year old. She is autistic and still in diapers. She wets her bed every now and then because she is getting too big for diapers and it goes through the side. this will also really be in handy when we can finally transition from diapers to undies

  63. Tainan Lu says:

    limit liquids before bedtime

  64. Nicole Bonito says:

    My oldest is fine now but the younger has leaky diapers sometimes (often) so this would be great!

  65. Nicole Bonito says:

    My oldest is fine now but the younger has leaky diapers sometimes (often) so this would be great!

  66. Amanda says:

    Our 18 mth old son just moved into his own room and we will be starting to sloooowly potty train in the next few mths so this would be great to have… Thank you for the chance to win…

  67. missbobloblaw says:

    We cut back on drinks 3 hours before bed, and make sure there is a potty break before bedtime.

  68. retrophiliac says:

    I feel like this would be actually really great to use with the bath

  69. Monica says:

    My daughter wore cloth diapers until she was 5, and at almost 6 she still wets her bed a few times a month. A peopod mat sounds like a great solution!

  70. Bunny says:

    We have tried a lot of things, this would be perfect .

  71. Bunny says:

    We have tried a lot of things, this would be perfect .

  72. 12carebear says:

    I def need this for my little guy , having trouble with this . would change my life greatly.

  73. susansmoaks says:

    stop drinking liquids a few hours before bed, use the bathroom before bed. maybe even set the alarm and get up once in the middle of the night.

  74. Erica Carnes says:

    I’d love this since we may face this problem soon.

  75. Laurie Emerson says:

    This would help so much as our 4 year old still has bed wetting accidents at night.

  76. Laurie Emerson says:

    This would help so much as our 4 year old still has bed wetting accidents at night.

  77. Betty Spry says:

    This would have helped my daughter, she was a bedwetter for quite a time. It would have saved many nights of changing beds totally, even if we got her up at night it did not seem to help

  78. Denise S says:

    Don’t let them drink water for an hour or so before bed.

  79. Denise S says:

    Don’t let them drink water for an hour or so before bed.

  80. Leslie Davis says:

    Limit drinks before bed time.

  81. Jaime says:

    I work with special needs children and this would be a great solution for them.

  82. Pingback: Mattress Protection for All Ages - Multi-Testing Mommy

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