Use @CommandBrand Clear Hooks to Get Organized for The School Year! {#GIVEAWAY} #Canadian

As I mentioned earlier this week, this time of year marks organization for me! It’s all about starting new routines and getting organized for a new school year.

One product that I have found very helpful in our home is Command Brand hooks! I love how the new Command Clear hooks are easy to put up, removable, damage free and invisible. The clear hooks are less intrusive than other coloured hooks, but become very useful when the need for a hook arises.

We use hooks in our closets and in the kitchen to hang the kids’ lunch bags.

Would you like the opportunity to win a Command Brand Prize Pack for your home? Enter below….
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Prize: Three winners will receive a gift basket filled with Command Brand Products (ARV ~$50)
Open to: Canadian Residents, excluding Quebec (must be age of majority)
Giveaway Begins: August 14, 2013
Giveaway Ends:September 9, 2013, 12:00AM

This giveaway is now closed.


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118 Responses to Use @CommandBrand Clear Hooks to Get Organized for The School Year! {#GIVEAWAY} #Canadian

  1. jemrah says:

    I look at flyers and search out the best prices for school supplies. I write down all appointments/meetings/important dates on my agenda.

  2. Szilvia says:

    To prepare for the school year, I like to write down every important known date ahead of time into my calendar, as well as print off a mini version to stick into my notebooks. 🙂

  3. Making a calendar for sure. I’m a planner, and it helps to see everything written down.

  4. catamo says:

    Lists, and more lists

  5. I don’t really do much

  6. Great Review & Giveaway! Command Brand Products ROCK!!

  7. Rose Langill says:

    I look at flyers and search out the best prices for school supplies.

  8. Having a schedule and sticking to it

  9. healingmom says:

    I buy everything in the summer

  10. C Tavares says:

    Create an online schedule/planner and get the kids into routine a few weeks before.

  11. jane kramer says:

    I have a dry erase board and a board to pin all the school notes

  12. michelle tremblett says:

    I schedule all their important school dates ahead of time. as well the two weeks before school we get all our checkups done, dentist, doctor and eye doctor 🙂

  13. FantasticL says:

    Chore list and MEAL PLANS!

  14. angie Hotte says:

    would love to try these in sons room on his collecton of hats an jerseys

  15. post school info planner on the fridge !

  16. Darwin Chau says:

    We write down all the important school dates onto our family calendar and we start organizing lunch boxes/bags and backpacks.

  17. Jeanette says:

    would love these

  18. To get organized and to stay organized…every year I purchase a big fridge calendar and religiously use it, daily.

  19. Anonymous says:

    help my children financially by taking the grandchildren back to school shopping for all their school supplys, shoes and 3 outfits each

  20. I check out the prices at all the stores, then watch the flyer for sale, use coupons and then price match to the store that is the closest!

  21. cherzstuff says:

    We go through my daughters dresser drawers and get rid of stuff that is too small or never worn so we know where we’re at for September

  22. Glogirl says:

    When I was returning to school I would shop all the sales and watch the flyers for deals in July and August. I liked to be prepared well in advance!

  23. Tammy Harrison says:

    I would make lists of what was essential school supplies, then what were nice things to have. i then shopped the sales, starting early 🙂

  24. Rhonda says:

    Always watch for sales!
    via Rhonda W G.

  25. Monique L.S. says:

    I am going to try and meal plan this year.

  26. Maximary says:

    I have been buying paper school supplies for my granddaughters, as the items have been going on sale recently. This includes watching for sales on drinks eg individual juice bottles, to help with their lunches. The sale ends today so I will go back for more later!!

  27. Sweet Panda says:

    Make up a shopping list and see what we need to buy this year. Also, we organize kids’ rooms to see what we already have so that no need to spend money on those items

  28. Anonymous says:

    No idea. Full-day Kindergarten!!!!!

  29. ellie2239 says:

    Make lists and search flyers for the best deals!
    – Chantel C.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I pick up new clothes for the grandkids and any school supplies that I consider a good buy.

    Florence c

  31. I make SURE to get a planner before the school year starts. That way I can start writing down important dates right from the beginning!

  32. gibberish says:

    I always go through the drawers & donate the clothing that the kids have outgrown over the summer.
    My rafflecopter name is Julie G.

  33. Tricia says:

    I check out the sales and always start a new calendar – at least I start out organized — LOL!

  34. Wanda Tracey says:

    I make a list of school necessities,buy them when I can on special all year and check them off the list as I get each one.

  35. I use lists and lots of them. Getting organized means getting supplies for lunches and getting daughter organized. I use command products a lot. We both have great products in our bedrooms from command.

  36. kelly bouma says:

    Lists, lists and more lists

  37. Shirley says:

    Make up lists of things to buy, things to do, etc.

  38. fesspoire says:

    I take an inventory of the kids’ wardrobes so I know what still fits. This makes back to school clothing shopping a lot easier.

    Rafflecopter: Jay Tee

  39. Tina L. says:

    I make a list and try to do the shopping early

  40. torlonias says:

    I buy school supplies/clothing throughout the year so I don’t have the pressure/burden when school starts.

    Rafflecopter: Natalie T

  41. JeannetteNL says:

    I make a BIG list in advance of everything that will be required, whether it be pens and paper or clothing and shoes. I then check the sales and do my shopping over the months of July/Aug so I don’t need to run and do a crazy major shopping trip for everything at once.

  42. Julie says:

    I surf the net for deals

  43. Roger Depatie says:

    Sure would love to try them before even buying any. If it works as lots of peoples told me it does, I’d be buying them after. By want I saw from others, Very Inpressive…. 😉

  44. I browse the flyers & make lists as to who has the best prices. I also search out in store specials.

  45. privyseel says:

    I browse online and comparison shop flyers to I know how to make my budget work for me.
    Rafflecopter ~ Rachelle T.

  46. Andrea Amy says:

    lists, lists and lists

  47. 2012july says:

    To get prepared for the school year, I update my calendar with upcoming events and I sort and label school supplies.

  48. leanne_mac says:

    I start back to school shopping early and shop a lot online.

    leannemacg at

  49. Samorjj says:

    I pick up bigger sized clothes all year and mid-August pull everything out to see what I still need to pick up for the school year.

  50. Belinda M says:

    I start early so that I am not rushing around and I make sure to bring the back to school list with me

  51. Shari G says:

    I label everything ahead of time, and make a pile by boy of what I think they need.

  52. Skees says:

    We do an inventory of clothes so I know what I need to buy.

  53. Debbie says:

    I bought some clothes last month. All the sales were on and a good selection of T’s and capris.
    (Debbie W)

  54. Donnas says:

    I always made a list before school started and checked off as we bought

  55. Judy C says:

    Make a list of things to get and do, start shopping early to get deals and set up a calendar

  56. 409cope says:

    I used to buy everything ahead of time to avoid the mad dash.

  57. Tara Bignell says:

    I made lists and made sure everything was a good deal lol

  58. Josh Siemens says:

    Make a list of what i need to buy

  59. Cheri says:

    I always organize the kids school bags with what they need to take to school the first day and label everything.

  60. sarah sar says:

    I buy back to school supplies as they go on sale throughout the year or when i see a good deal so that i’m not stressed out to shop for everything at the last minute

    texan_michael AT yahoo DOT com

  61. Sydney Bows says:

    I make lists of what I need to pick up before the school year starts.

  62. lelalacc says:

    have all the school supplies ready and all important dates (sports activities, holidays, etc) already marked on the calendar.

    entering in rafflecopter as jen s.

  63. I get a new MoreTimeMom family calendar first, then I fill all the important dates such as health appt, pd days etc..
    I love to be organized for BTS!

  64. Anu Chopra says:

    I check to see if kids need any new clothes or shoes and that they have back to school supplies and then go shopping accordingly.

  65. Julie Bolduc says:

    We are a easy going family whatever goes 🙂

  66. Angela M says:

    I go on a few shopping trips with a list in hand for school supplies and clothes/gear. Other than that I don’t do anything special to prepare for back to school.
    angela mitchell

  67. i buy all things needed from the shopping list and buy lunch kits ect and a week before i label it all n pack everything in there backpacks so theres no rush to get it done

  68. MissT says:

    Make a list and take it with when going shopping.

  69. I make lists. Keeps me on track

  70. I make lists. Keeps me on track

  71. Carol Denny says:

    Make lists and check the sale flyers

  72. Sue2Sueper says:

    I look at the kids stuff from last year, and see what needs to be replaced or replenished. Then go from there. Keep an eye out on the sales and head to wherever has the best prices. (Usually it’s Staples or Walmart for me)

    SueSueper Sue

  73. Shannon says:

    I print off the monthly school activities calendars and pin them to the fridge so that everyone can keep up to date.

  74. Haylie says:

    As soon as I get any papers from school with upcoming events, I mark them on my calendar. This way I know what’s coming and nothing gets forgotten, usually lol.

  75. Karryk says:

    I label everything and get stuff ready as soon as I buy it. I also get a big calender to write down all assignments, meetings etc

  76. Mary Ireland says:

    I organize each subject into separate folders, so that I can keep all my papers properly.

  77. Jonnie (JB) says:

    I make a meal plan for lunches

  78. Make a list, check out flyers and online for deals

  79. bigdisneyfan says:

    I get everything written on my Mom calendar.

  80. Steph Bkn says:

    I shop months in advance for deals on back to school supplies to make the budget go the furthest!

  81. mike gismondi says:

    I buy everything when it goes on sale.. for next year!

  82. Jennifer says:

    I start baking a couple of weeks before to get a head start then I freeze and pull out as needed

  83. Lori Butler says:

    I always see what can be used from previous year, and have a check list

  84. I have a list I follow for items I need to get and I also start putting name tags on all clothes and shoes etc..

  85. Making a schedule is important.

  86. elizamatt says:

    before school starts I go through all the children’s clothes, shoes, boots, mittens & hats to make sure they all fit and buy new where needed. Then it’s on to the school supplies list.

  87. I go through the flyers, school lists in hand and match up best prices with list items.

  88. jopfoh says:

    put up a brand new cork board in the front hall and each of the kids rooms

  89. josiefiorda says:

    watch for sales, write up the calendar

  90. Jennifer L. says:

    This year I’ve been cleaning out a lot of old papers and clothing. I want to start this school year fresh and organized.

  91. Lori Bazan says:

    I look at all the flyers and deals, make the list and get it all done and bought

  92. mamawee says:

    make up a list of lunches I can make to change things up!

  93. I make sure the plastic and glass food containers all have their lids. I hate looking for lids when I’m in a hurry to pack a lunch and I’m sure my kids do, too! 😉

  94. Monica says:

    Put away summer clothing and take out fall clothes, organize lunch box supplies.

  95. kitblu says:

    I have a notebook to record important phone calls received or ones I need to make and what transpires. I also have a notebook of grocery specials from the weekly flyers that I want to buy.
    BUT for some reason I use bits of scrap paper for to-do lists. Hello!! Get a notebook!

  96. Carla G says:

    I buy the school supplies for the kids throughout the summer, as the good deals are advertised in the flyers. I get juice boxes & other lunch items on sale too. I go through the kids clothes & take out the too small items & make sure they have pants that actually fit. 🙂

  97. Believe it or not, keeping the ‘same’ routine every morning works best for my daughter & keeps us very organized.

  98. Wobbles B. says:

    shared calendar posted in kitchen

  99. CMessier says:

    We are just entering the world of back to school… so I’m picking up tips all over the place. I think I’m more nervous about the first day of Kindergarten than my son is.

  100. Cathy C says:

    We purge the kids bedrooms and pack up all the clothes that do not fit and organize room for the school year

  101. Sheila says:

    I mark down all important school dates in the calendar!!

  102. Amy C says:

    I make a list of everything my kids need and then I check the flyers for deals.

  103. Kristi R. says:

    Label everything that my son will be bringing to school. It’s his first time going this year, so it should be interesting.

  104. We start shopping the previous year! This way we get all the great deals at the end of school shopping season. Rafflecopter : Laird N Crystal Englot

  105. I always make a detailed list and I stick to that list.

  106. Areta says:

    Put up a shared calendar so that everyone can see the schedule!

  107. Anonymous says:

    I work with small children, so I create an inventory of what I have and then purchase what I need at the start of the school year. Then as the school year continues I replenish school supplies as needed, but I definitely look for sales, deals, and discounts as its gets pricey. Twitter fan@plumerea

  108. I take one child at a time and we go get everything done to get ready for school

  109. flowerchild says:

    I write list and make a schedule

  110. I write lists for everything and try to plan everything down to the last detail. If I don’t things [almost always] get forgotten.

  111. I am making it a point to be super organized for school, which starts next week for me. One thing I will be doing is backing up everything and deleting lots from my computer.

  112. Jennifer says:

    cleaning out the kids’ closets

  113. iris says:

    I’m not a mom, but a students who utilizes these like no other!!

  114. Nancy Tch says:

    This year was a bit crazy for us since we were away the week before school in BC (from Ontario) and only returned on Labour Day. I had to make sure I had everything well in advance and labelled ready to go! Everything that leaves the house to go to school is labelled with each DDs name.

  115. Gemma says:

    Write everything on the calendar!

  116. we go through closets and dressers and donate clothes we no longer wear to make room

  117. I go through the kids closets, I empty last years back packs to get rid of the garbage supplies and buy new ones. I organize a calendar so we can put after school stuff on it.

  118. Maegan Morin says:

    Im going to be honest… I suck at organizing. Im one of those fly by the seat of your pants kind of people. Trying to work on that :S

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