Multi-Testing Mommy Recommends Bella Band

Ingrid and Isabel has invented my must have item during this pregnancy!

The Bella Band!

The Bella Band is such a simple thing. It is a seamless tube of material that goes around your waist, hips and tummy in order to keep your pants from falling down and your high rise pant seams showing through all of your tops.

If it weren’t for my Bella Band, you would see me a mile away, hiking up my pants every two seconds in order to ensure that they weren’t falling down.


I also anticipate using my Bella Band after my pregnancy during that awkward in between stage when I don’t fit into my regular clothing, but my maternity clothing is too big!

You can get your Bella Band at Belly Dance Maternity.

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6 Responses to Multi-Testing Mommy Recommends Bella Band

  1. AndreAnna says:

    I loved mine. They were great at hiding those lines the pants caused.

  2. Emily says:

    They are great! I’ve been using them differently as my pregnancy develops (at 32 weeks, now it’s as much to keep drafts from between under-belly pants and higher-riding tops!), and also think it will be really useful post-partem.

  3. Laural Dawn says:

    I heard about them after I had my baby. I totally could have used one.

  4. Gwen says:

    Do they actually keep the low riding mat pants up? If they do I am so getting some. The Blush topless undershirts help and will be great for nursing later, but right now don’t do anything to keep the pants up.

  5. Lynn Dalsing says:


    I work at Ingrid & Isabel, the makers of the BellaBand. I saw your comments about the BellaBand, and I wanted to say thank you. Would it be ok for me to place a link to your entry on our Applause Page on our website at


  6. kathy downey says:

    This looks like a perfect product for my friends,she is just at that stage now

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