Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids

Having children has taken love to a whole new level for me. Valentines day with little ones is an excellent opportunity to celebrate one of the greatest bonds there is: the one between a mom and her kids! What better way to bond with your kids than to snuggle up and read a book together OR make a Valentine’s Day CRAFT!

Valentine's Day crafts

My kids LOVE to make crafts. When I mention the word crafts, they usually squeal with delight. One craft that I would like to try with my kids this year, are these adorable heart shaped animal crafts.

To make the animals, you simply download your favorite template, cut and glue. There’s a color version for a quicker craft or a black and white version that allows kids to pick their own colors. We will also be using the included animal puns to turn them into cute and quirky Valentine cards.

Which Valentine’s Day Craft
animal catches your eye?

The penguin, unicorn, fox, bear, or the rooster?

Heart Shaped Animals
Image source (with permission):

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