Have you Visited a Parks Canada Park This Summer? {#Giveaway} #TrySomethingFresh

Have you ever visited one of Parks Canada Parks?

There are many parks across Canada to discover!

My family are definitely not campers, although I would like to TRY “Glamping” to see if I could convince my hubby to embrace the outdoors. I grew up cottaging as a child. Every summer, we would spend our vacation up North. We were very fortunate to have a gorgeous park near our cottage and I learned to appreciate very quickly everything that parks have to offer!

You could WIN an exciting 3 day, 2 night Parks Canada Family Adventure (worth over $5000) by entering the Try Something Fresh Contest. It sends on July 25th so hurry and ENTER NOW!

There are also many great adventures for you and your family like the ones listed below, if you’re an Ontario Resident (or if you’re visiting Ontario):
Try Something Fresh

While your here, I encourage you to enter our AMAZING Parks Canada Giveaway right here on Multi-Testing Mommy!
Details below…


Parks Canada Giveaway
Prize: Parks Canada “Ultimate Gift Package”
Parks Canada Discovery Pass (good for up to 7 people arriving in the same vehicle at any national park, national historic site or national marine conservation area)
National vacation planner
Parks Canada gear for the whole family
Package valued at $200+
Giveaway Open to: Canadian Residents (outside of Quebec)
Giveaway Ends: July 31, 2014 11:59pm EST

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166 Responses to Have you Visited a Parks Canada Park This Summer? {#Giveaway} #TrySomethingFresh

  1. Tanya B says:

    kettle lake because it is closer to home but I have heard of many great parks I would love to visit.

  2. Darlene Schuller says:

    I would love to go to Banff as I’ve heard and read soo much about it

  3. Carol Denny says:

    Algonquin Park

  4. Sweet Panda says:

    My favourite is Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper

  5. blessedta says:


  6. Athena says:

    Algonquin Park

  7. flowerchild23 says:

    My favorite is Banff, Our first visit was a few weeks ago. I loved it.

  8. Brenda Penton says:

    I’d love to visit Prince Edward Island National Park. I plan on going there this summer.

  9. Elizabeth L says:

    Bruce Peninsula National Park

  10. ivy pluchinsky says:

    would love to go to Banff, always wanted to go

  11. Jennifer says:

    I would love to go back to Algonquin Park, I’ve only been once and it was raining! 🙁

  12. Brandi Y. says:

    Algonquin Park is a favourite and I would love to go back this year!

  13. Melinda Jana says:

    I would love to visit Algonquin Park, have always scheduled to go but things always come up on the last minute

  14. Susan Ovington says:

    I would love to go to Algonguin Park with my Hubby and 2 sons!

  15. Doris says:

    I love Gros Morne National Park

  16. Christina says:


  17. Lucy says:

    I love Banff

  18. Jennie Yuen says:

    Stanley Park in Vancouver is my fave.

  19. jonnieh says:

    Banff is simply amazing!

  20. Natalie says:

    I would love to visit Algonquin Park. I have some family not to far from there so it would be a great place for all of us to meet up and enjoy the park and each other.

  21. Jeff Skidmore says:

    Algonquin is my favourite park but have always wantes to seeBanff!

  22. Judy Cowan says:

    I love Pinery, it is close to where we live so we get to visit it often. Would love to visit Banff some day!

  23. Journeysof TheZoo says:

    We spend a week every Summer in Algonquin Park and have since I was a baby. In fact, my parents met in the Park. We love the outdoors!

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  24. Leighann says:

    I would love to take my daughter to Algonquin Park this year, she’s never been.

  25. Darwin says:

    I like Manning Park in BC

  26. Katie Mitchell says:

    Kouchibouguac, Fundy and Kejimkujik are my favourites… but would love to visit more to find out if I can find some new favourites.

  27. Gladys says:

    It would be great to visit Algonquin Park with family and friends.

  28. Tiffany S. says:

    I think I’ve only ever been to one! Fundy National Park. It’s gorgeous, but I haven’t been there in a few years. I think I need to make more of an effort to see more of them!

  29. Elizabeth Amy says:

    We have a wealth of Parks in Nova Scotia but I would also love to visit Kootenay National Park and Gros Morne National Park in NL.

  30. Kate Hearn says:

    Algonquin is a fave….but that book The Bear kinda creeped me out

  31. bigstew says:

    Banff! Wow!

  32. kathy downey says:

    I would love to go to Gros Morne National Park

  33. Kandice Shiell says:

    We have been to Gros Morne and LOVE it there.

  34. Jennifer Lucas says:

    Bon Echo is a great place to camp

  35. @runrgal2 says:

    Our fave is the Fortress of Louisbourg but would love to visit Banff for a photography trip.

  36. robynl says:

    would like to visit Stanley Park in Vancouver, B.C.

  37. Amanda says:

    We would love to visit Georgian Bay Islands National Park.
    We love that area and recently had family go boating in Beausoleil and it looks fabulous! Would love to check it out for ourselves!

  38. LILLIANM says:

    the Fortress of Louisbourg is an all day adventure-like it very much

  39. Jennifer says:

    Love Stanley Park in Vancouver!

  40. Monique Shuell says:

    I would like to go to Prince Edward Island National Park. It sounds like it has beautiful views.

  41. Lee-Ann says:

    Love Jasper!! it’s just fabulous!

  42. Dayna Wilson says:

    Manning. I think my son would like to feed the squirrels.

  43. angela mitchell says:

    Pacific Rim National Park is my favourite. It is close to where I live and the beaches are amazing.

  44. Crystal Englot says:

    Riding Mountain National Park in Manitoba is my favorite! For one it is only a couple hours away from where I like and Clear Lake has the most gorgeous clear blue water!

  45. fossie55 says:

    Gros Morne National Park
    Florence C

  46. Juliee Fitze says:

    Algonquin Park would be my choose a lot of great memories from there.

  47. mongupp says:

    Black Creek Pioneer Village is a fave!

  48. Jaimee says:

    I would like to go see Algonquin park

  49. Jennifer Webster says:

    Favourite is Banff (or really any of the ones out west!) but can hardly wait to get to Gros Morne!

  50. Michelle B says:

    Our favorite is Fundy National Park in New Brunswick, we often spend a lot of time at Wolf Lake It helps our special needs kids to relax.

  51. Eileen Krueger says:

    Spruce Woods in MB

  52. ToCo says:

    I’d love to visit the Rocky Mountains. Haven’t been since I was a kid!

  53. stacey dempsey says:

    I would love to go to Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland. I have always wanted to go to Newfoundland and this place looks like it has it all. Beaches , mountains , waterfalls and lots of recreational things to do. Maybe one day I will get there

  54. alexandra vaillancourt says:

    Would love to visit algonquin park

  55. Terri says:

    We would visit Fundy Bational Park, it is only a few hours away and I honestly haven’t been there before

  56. We like to camp at Keji, in Nova Scotia.

  57. Bev says:

    My favorite Parks Canada park is Algonquin Park!

  58. neilsviv says:

    I love Banff

  59. Heidi C. says:

    I would love to visit Banff National Park.

  60. Karine says:

    I liked Parc de la Gatineau

  61. Harvinderks says:

    We love to go to Algonquin Park!

  62. MrDPrize says:

    Banff for me

  63. Kirsten G. says:

    Pacific Rim National Park Reserve is my favourite park! I grew up in Tofino so we spent a lot of time at Pacific Rim. It is a beautiful part of Canada.

  64. Tanis Sergeew says:

    Banff would be my ideal spot for camping!

  65. wwcd23 says:

    I spent 2 summers working in Lake Louise when i was younger-loved it!

  66. leanne m says:

    I love Stanley Park

  67. leanne m says:

    I love Stanley Park

  68. Andrea Amy says:

    the only one I have ever visited is Banff, which isn’t too far from me. I’m in Calgary 🙂

  69. dewinner says:

    Banff and Jasper National park are the 2 most beautiful ones I have been too!

  70. dewinner says:

    Banff and Jasper National park are the 2 most beautiful ones I have been too!

  71. Erika Birrell says:

    Banff National Park!

  72. MaryAnne says:

    I choose Waskesiu which is located in the heart of Prince Albert National Park in Northern Saskatchewan. Thank you!

  73. Wendy Hutton says:

    my favorite park is Banff national park

  74. michelle tremblett says:

    We love Algonquin park, so beautiful ! Always my first choice 🙂

  75. Jody Doncaster says:

    I think Ontario Park would be a fun day with the family- Have not been there before!

  76. Pingback: Parks Canada Prize Pack Giveaway | Just Sweep

  77. Victoria Kondovski says:

    I love going to Point Pelee National Park.

  78. Amy says:

    I would like to visit Banff national park because it sounds really beautiful there.

  79. Kristine E says:

    I would love to go to Banff

  80. Megan says:

    I have heard great things about Banff. I don’t even know where it is, but I would love to check it out!

  81. Nicolthe pickle says:

    I really like Kouchibouguac park.

  82. Lori Jackson says:

    Algonquin sounds amazing!!

  83. Darlene W says:

    Arrowhead Provincial Park in Huntsville, is one park that I really like

  84. Pingback: Purple Monster Coupons – Parks Canada Giveaway

  85. Jessica S says:

    Algonquin park!

  86. UglyMummy says:

    algonquin park

  87. Carole Dube says:

    Jasper, AB

  88. Ron Bowman says:


  89. Barbara Hutcheson says:


  90. Shellie Clark says:


  91. raynebow12 says:

    any of the parks in the Rocky mountains!

  92. Michelle Kristin Galante says:

    We like to visit Pinery P P – my son loves the giant sand hills to play on

  93. lori b says:

    i would like to spend time in banff, never have stopped in on way through

  94. Debbie Petch says:

    I always love the Banff National Park.

  95. Tammy In R Dream says:

    We love Bon Echo & Emily Park

  96. Kellie Demarsh says:

    we also love going to Bon Echo as well love sleeping in the tent and how beautiful it is

  97. Susan Vieno Stirling says:

    Our cottage was destroyed by a pipe bursting and then mold creep during the winter (and of course, our insurer, TD Insurance) won’t cover .. discovering new alternatives may make me feel a bit better.

    • Oh my goodness, Susan, how horrible! I’m so sorry to hear that!

      • Susan Vieno Stirling says:

        Thank you – it has been horrible; I was due to retire on my 65th last month and this happened in March — it took TD 4 different assessers to find one to say they deny the claim and they still haven’t put anything in writing but the cottage is a complete write-off, along with every momento from my entire life. Thank God I have wonderful children who have taken me in.

  98. eleryth says:

    I’d like to see Fundy National Park. Ever since hearing of the tides back in junior high it’s stuck with me!

  99. Andrea Lee says:

    Would love to explore Algonquin Park if I’m in Ontario, but I’d also love to see Jasper!

  100. Nancy T says:

    I’ve been to quite a few National Parks in Ontario – Algonquin, Bruce Peninsula and Thousand Islands. In Alberta, I’ve been to Banff. In BC I’ve been to the Gulf Islands. There is still so much more to see in Canada and I would love to visit all!

    • Nancy – you’re so lucky to have been to so many 🙂

      • Nancy T says:

        In a family with 5 children and only one income earner, we did everything we could that didn’t cost very much money. Going to parks around Ontario on day trips (cost of gas and we always packed a picnic) or road trips to family that lived across the country (we’ve driven to BC twice – once when I was 9 and then again when I was 22) and stopped at parks along the way – again only the cost of gas/food to worry about and lodging was free once we got there. 🙂
        If I could, I would pack up the van with my hubby today and take the girls on a road trip like I did growing up.

  101. Jennifer P. says:

    I’d love to visit Glacier National Park because I would love to see the glaciers (and the rainforest!).

  102. Moongazing says:

    Pinery Provincial Park

  103. Ronald Gagnon says:

    The whole trip from Banff to Jasper national Parks

  104. Rebby Roberts says:

    Pacific Rim National Park is my fave!!

  105. Josie says:

    Manning Park. My parents used to always take us there as kids. So many memories

  106. jemrah says:

    I would love to visit Algonquin Park!

  107. julie_bolduc says:

    I would like go algonquin Park it is so beautiful I would like to visit this with my family

  108. selbys says:

    I haven’t been to any, but would like to go to Thousand Islands National Park – not too far away and a good start at camping for our family.

  109. Edmond Leung says:

    OMG, I would love to visit Algonquin Park! Divine nature. . Thanks for the awesomeness, the contest, & generosity.

  110. Josh says:

    I would love to visit Algonquin Park. Have not been yet.

  111. Rae D's Contests says:

    Banff is still my favourite park even though I’ve been a few times over my lifetime. THe views can’t be beat,

  112. Julie G. says:

    Algonquin Park – to finally see a moose!

  113. BaileyDexter says:

    I love taking a drive out to walk through Fort St Joseph.

  114. Robyn B. says:

    I would love to visit Algonquin Park.

  115. karla says:

    I would love to visit Banff National Park..it sounds beautiful!

  116. krystyl says:

    glacier national park

  117. Tannis W says:

    I’d like to visit Banff National Park, because pictures of it look amazing!

  118. Leslie Sanderson says:

    Gulf Islands National Park

  119. Erika E says:

    I’d like to visit Yoho National Park because there are a lot of great hikes I’d like to go on.

  120. billiondollarprincesss says:

    I would like to visit Banff National Park. Looks really nice!

  121. Lori Jackson says:

    Algonquin sounds amazing!

  122. Lori Jackson says:

    Algonquin sounds amazing!

  123. Lori Jackson says:

    Algonquin sounds amazing!

  124. ChrisG says:

    algonquin and Banff are my favs

  125. ChrisG says:

    algonquin and Banff are my favs

  126. mommakoala says:

    Algonquin Park is beautiful any time of year
    (Debbei W)

  127. cheryl says:

    Algonquin park

  128. Erin says:

    We love Pacific Rim!

  129. Donnas says:

    I’d like to go to Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland

  130. OlderMommyStill says:

    My favourite is Fundy National Park, but I have always wanted to visit Algonquin!

  131. Shari Goss says:

    Algonquin Park

  132. Elaine Jasvins says:

    I would have to say Banff, but closer to home Algonquin Park

  133. Shannon says:

    Banff and Waterton Lakes are my favorite.

  134. Taylor Hawkins says:

    Algonquin is my favourite 🙂

  135. Maggie Cheung says:

    Algonquin Park would be somewhere I want to visit. I heard there are lots of animals to see!

  136. caryn s says:

    We love to visit Banff as we live close!

  137. sarah sar says:

    I’d love to visit Banff National Park some day with the family. My friends have been there and can’t stop talking about it!

  138. Kristi Renout says:

    I love Algonquin park!

  139. Gillian Morgan says:

    My favourite is definitely Gros Morne

  140. Tasha says:

    I would love to go back to Banff National Park someday. I went there for my birthday two years ago and it was no where the weekend we had booked because of a certain someone 🙁 lol but seriously I would love to go back and experience the things that I never got the chance to like going to the Ice Fields, Horseback riding, and vising Lake Louise. Thank you so much for this chance to win. 🙂

  141. missbobloblaw says:

    I love Banff. <3

  142. BobbiJo Pentney says:

    I have driven past so many parks and have wanted to stop in but didn’t. I would really like to try sandbanks provincial park.

  143. Stephanie La Plante says:

    I would love to check out Algonquin Park someday

  144. Viv Sluys says:

    I love Wells Gray Provincial Park. There are some amazing water falls there. I have been to several Parks Canada parks, mostly in BC and Alberta

  145. Tiffany Steadman-Collins says:

    I would love to visit Gros Morne. Hubby always talks about taking me when we got to NFLD but never make it there I hear it is stunning!

  146. I would love to show our nine year old daughter Banff National Park …Such a beautiful park..

  147. Jennifer L. says:

    My favourite is Banff National Park. I love that place.

  148. MJGoodburn says:

    We’ve been to a lot of nice National parks, but I think we’d really enjoy Algonquin!

  149. Tara Gauthier says:

    I want to go camp at Mount Robson!

  150. Laurie P says:

    One day I’d love to visit Banff National park….it’s absolutely beautiful!

  151. DARLENE W says:

    Received my package, thank you. I thought coupons for the detergent would have been sent, the box weighed a ton

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