Summer Sanity: Book Club Post #1 for 7-9 year olds

This post is a part of Summer Sanity, a series of posts for parents to gain ideas and inspiration for how to keep their children happy, active, educated and having fun during the long summer months.

When I think back to my childhood and the summer, I remember reading! I read and I read and I read. Reading time in the summer was all about finding a cozy place to read while I lost myself in a book, letting my imagination run wild!

This summer, I have a 7 year old who also loves to read. Here are some books that I have discovered that are at her reading level that sound intriguing!


What were your favourite novels to read as a child?

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6 Responses to Summer Sanity: Book Club Post #1 for 7-9 year olds

  1. C ssm says:

    I read Enid Blyton.

  2. Play Me Mama says:

    We just read the first Magic Tree House over here and it is cute…I always loved reading the Anne of Green Gables series myself!

  3. A. Smith says:

    I’ve always loved books. I remember getting those book club flyers in class and feeling beyond excited about circling all the ones I wanted. I don’t think I ever ordered them all but it was fun to shop and dream, lol… still is 🙂

  4. Alessandrina says:

    I used to read the Trixie Belden series, Enid Blyton, and Judy Blume. Loved them all.

  5. el03ro says:

    August 6–I was a voracious reader as a child. I read all the Fairy stories I could get my hands on. We were very fortunate in that we had a library in our small town. I am happy that you recommended these books. I find it difficult, sometimes, to buy for that age group. I know they all seem to love anything about dinosaurs. Thank you for the recommendations. el03ro

  6. el03ro says:

    August 6–I was a voracious reader as a child. I read all the Fairy stories I could get my hands on. We were very fortunate in that we had a library in our small town. I am happy that you recommended these books. I find it difficult, sometimes, to buy for that age group. I know they all seem to love anything about dinosaurs. Thank you for the recommendations. el03ro

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