Halloween is a time for fun and treats!
Bazooka Candy Brand would like to share their “Twisted” Ring Pops with you, my amazing readers, as a spooky Halloween Treat to enjoy with your little ghosts.
There are some hauntalicious flavours like “citrus craze”, “blue raspberry watermelon” and “berry blast” to name a few.

Check out this giveaway in order for your chance to win 1 of 4 Twisted Bazooka Halloween Candy Baskets:
The above product was provided free of cost to Multi-Testing Mommy by the manufacturer or a representing PR agency. Opinions expressed belong to Multi-Testing Mommy and are NOT influenced in any way. Some posts on Multi-Testing Mommy have been sponsored, see MTM’s Disclosure for more details.
I’m not very creative but my twins are going as Ghostbusters this year
leannemacg at gmail.com
Paint a white shirt and white jeans with arcs of color like a rainbow.
amt (at)telus (dot)net
One I seen last year was shrek and his sister was the princess, the mak up and costume were homemade and they looked incredible!
calvert0 at telus dot net
I’ve never made my own costumes, unfortunately I don’t have any talents… My son went as a Cookie Monster for two years. This year my daughter is going as a Cookie Monster and my son as Batman 🙂
Many, many years ago, I was a bag of M&M’s. My dad put a black trash bag on me, used the colored circle stickers and some electrical tape to write M&M’s.
Until the baby was born we only had a small dog, so we dressed her up each halloween. Last year we dressed her as a skunk. At one point in the night she happened to be standing in the shadows.. boy visitors sure jumped! It was perfect.
Umm…I dressed up as Sarah Palin last year, complete with shotgun and beauty queen sash…my friends and family got a pretty good kick out of it! 🙂
rebthecatsitter at gmail.com
I saw a neat idea on the web the other day. It was a costume for Mr. Monopoly (the guy from the game). You needed a top hat, suit, white mustache, walking cane and it was suggested you could carry cards that say “You have won second prize in a beauty contest” etc.
This year I’m going as a wolf. I’ve got grey leg warmers, will cut the bottom of an old pair of jeans. I’ve got furry gray cuffs, with a black sweater which I’ll have rips with gray fur sticking out. There are amazing makeup videos on youtube for my face. Will finish off with a yellow pair of contact lenses.
I haven’t really seen very many – nut I really love when kids have “homemade” costumes instead of the bought ones. And I REALLY love when babies are dressed up = sooo cute
I went out one year as half man/half woman (one side female, one side male) It was fun getting that all figured out!
I once saw a little girl dressed as a bag of jelly beans. She had a clear jelly bean bag full of tiny blown up balloons and it was tied up (not tightly lol) around her neck! I’ll never forget it!
nancyrobster at gmail dot com
A great couples costume is the man dresses as a UPS man and the woman wears a huge box and is the package he’s delivering.
The funniest costume I have seen is a blow up sumo wrestler costume..
ksceviour at hotmail dot com
my teenager say being an ipod is what one of their friends is going to be and some are going as head phones with attached string etc lol
staceyx at telus dot net
I once saw online…a pregnant woman wearing a stove made out of a card board box, then he preggo belly was painted like a cinnamon roll! So cute and clever!
the most creative I have seen is a Crash test dummy outfit worn by someone at a party we were at quite a few years back
I like the “Smartie Pants” costume where someone takes a pair of pants, and glues empty boxes of smarties all over them and actual smarties too.
My brother in law made his son a vending machine! It was awesome.
You can check out thrift stores to find great ideas to make costumes!
I love the angry bird costume …i just got the iphone and am obsessed with playing it.
I seen a corn candy costume on FB for a baby…it was so sweet! Paula C.
I once saw someone stick my name is (left blank) all over their body and they were lost identity.
I recently saw costume in which one person was a package of Halls and the other Quaker oats. Hall and Oats! LOL