Add Some Pizazz to Your Outdoor Decor

There are many ways to show festivity during the holidays and one of those ways is start your decorating from outside in!

Take what you already have outside and make it festive!

My Mom is my inspiration when it comes to decorating and creativity. Every time I go to her house there is a new decoration in her home. She is full of bright ideas and always puts her own creative twist to ideas that she finds on places like Pinterest – her new addiction. While her home may not be the most child friendly house on the block, it definitely is gorgeous! I definitely credit any creativity that I may have to her.

Add some festive decorations with fake greenery to your outdoor hanging planters.

Take your beautiful urns and “festive them up” with branches, festive colours and wait for it to snow!

Decorations courtesy of my Mom ~thanks Mom you really are an inspiration!

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2 Responses to Add Some Pizazz to Your Outdoor Decor

  1. 2012july says:

    The outdoor planter is so festive and it uses such simple items. I hope I can use this idea to do something similar. Thanks!

  2. el03ro says:

    January 28- I am pleased to say that I did the same thing as your Mom this year. I decorated my urns with greena and some red alders, beads,etc and let it snow! Great minds still think alike!-Elva Roberts

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