About Multi-Testing Mommy

I am a 30 something year old woman living the life that I’ve always dreamed of! I’m married to my soulmate and we have two wonderful children, a two year old boy and a 5 year old girl.

I taught Kindergarten before I became a Mom and I am fortunate enough now to be a Stay at Home Mom, something that I’ve always dreamed of and something that I love being able to do so that I can focus on my family!

I love to write reviews on products from books to products for your body to toys to food to products for your home–you name it, I like to try it out. I love trying out new things and being on the “up and up” on what is out there.

I do share my opinions, my true opinions on products. I trust what other woman have to say about products, therefore I want to be honest with regards to my true thoughts on products that I test.

Please contact me if you are interested in me reviewing your product.

I also love to host giveaways!

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