Search Results for: label/Summer Sanity

Summer @PlasmaCar Fun {#GIVEAWAY}


On the last day of school, my kids arrived home to a super fun surprise on our front porch… I had allocated some time before they got home to put the car together and I will say that I was VERY pleasantly surprised that it only took me about 15 minutes from start to finish. That includes opening the box, finding my rubber mallet and assembling the car. The PlasmaCar was VERY easy and SUPER fast to assemble and definitely MOMMY APPROVED! Now, I’ve always claimed to be honest on this blog, so today I will continue that, despite my … Continue reading

Ultimate Blog Party with @5MinutesForMom #UPB13

Thank you for stopping by Multi-Testing Mommy today to party with us! I love planning and throwing a good party. In fact in the past few weeks, we have celebrated my daughter’s 8th birthday 3 times! Yes, that’s right – 3! A birthday party for her friends and a party for each side of the family. Would you like to have some cake or a cupcake perhaps?! Please enjoy some because we are still swimming in cake around here. I like to include everyone’s needs so if you are trying to be healthy, then I’ve got something special for you … Continue reading